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Trust Account Management – Fiduciary Duty Meets Financial Sense

Authors: #Dana Riel and #David Michael(3-minute read) Trust account management is one of the most sensitive and important aspects of a law firm’s operations. Improper handling of trust accounts can result in severe legal consequences, damage to a law firm’s...

Business of Law: Having the Last Word          

Authors: #Dana Riel and #David Michael(3-minute read) Here’s a question: What is the most frequent type of complaint filed against lawyers? (A) Mishandling trust funds.(B) Lack of communication.(C) Fee disputes. The Correct answer is: (B) Lack of Communication....

Proactive Management Based (Self) Regulation

Much of life is reactive, sometimes unpleasantly so. Here is the good news. There are ways to be proactive in your law practice; to provide great legal services to clients and both prevent and defend against ethics complaints. Proactive Management-Based Regulation...
