Working from Home
As our world turns upside down with the Coronavirus pandemic, the phrase “working from home” has been appearing much more frequently in the messages sent from information workers. As the weeks of “social distancing” drag on in response to the pandemic, businesses will need to start re-thinking the whole concept of worker productivity, and the location where work can be most efficiently performed.
How You Can Prepare to Work Remotely
As many of us prepare to work remotely in light of the pandemic, a Chinese saying comes to mind: “May you live in interesting times.” Certainly the impact of the novel Coronavirus has made our times quite interesting.
Report from ABA TECHSHOW 2020
The ABA TechShow 2020 conference is the venue where lawyers, legal professionals, consultants and technology come together.This year ranks as one of the best yet from the perspective of the exhibition hall, with attendees able to meet face-to -face with...
Using Lookup Files in Time Matters
Recently we assisted a client of ours in designing custom screens for Contacts in their Time Matters program. Our client was struggling because they were creating drop-down lists in several fields that showed all 50 U.S. states. They said it was a pain to keep...
Review: Time Capture by Timeslips
Earlier this month I spoke with one of our clients who said one of their goals was to increase their revenue. The office administrator admitted this was difficult “because people are horrible about entering their time”. She asked if I knew of any third-party apps that...
Report from LegalWeek 2020: What I Learned
ALM’s Legalweek New York is where lawyers and industry pundits share their views of important technology trends, and vendors come to announce new products. I attended Legalweek 2020 on Day Two, working in the Worldox booth and feeling the energy of the Exhibit Hall at...
Invoices and Statements in TimeSolv
TimeSolv is a cloud-based, comprehensive time tracking & billing application with robust practice management features. It claims to simplify the billing process, generating Invoices to show such items as new charges, interest, and balances. It also has a feature...
Review: Time Matters 16.5
Time Matters has offered a link with Microsoft Exchange that makes it the central point for synchronization of Contacts, Events, and Tasks. Version 16.5 updated the code for this link for improved performance and security.
It’s the Most Wonderful Time of the Year
It’s hard to believe that we are coming up on the end of 2019. The holiday season awaits. But with the impetus of Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008 also going away, we’ve heard from several clients that they are at a crossroads in...
NetDocuments: Introducing CollabSpaces
Last month, NetDocuments introduced CollabSpaces, a new feature that takes the concept of sharing secure content with external users one step further. This supports one of the primary missions of NetDocuments: to manage, collaborate, and share content in one...