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The Crypto Virus Plague

Like living organisms, computer viruses continue to evolve, and a particularly nasty new species, the crypto virus, poses a serious threat to all computer users. A crypto virus makes your files inaccessible by encrypting them with an unbreakable code. Once the virus...

Raising Security Awareness In Your Firm

It’s all too common lately to read or hear about cybersecurity breaches in organizations. And the causes of most data breaches aren’t complicated. An employee opens an email that promises something desirable. Someone never turns off their workstation. Files are...

Paper:Less – not Paperless Office

The quest for “the paperless office” is akin to the search for the Holy Grail: no one is quite sure what the term “paperless” really means for a law practice today, or what is the best path to arrive at that elusive destination, but lots of folks seem to hold it up as...

Data Security and Cloud Storage

With increasing usage of cloud-based document storage facilities, there is growing concern about data security.  Recent headlines about data security breaches at major corporations have sensitized the business world to the damaging consequences of such incidents.  For...