by Andrea Prigot | Sep 6, 2017 | Legal Technology, Practice Management
Is your inbox full of marketing pitches urging you to switch to new software? Sometimes it pays to switch, and sometimes not. Since moving to new software can be expensive and disruptive, often the answer is to make better use of the software you already have. Here...
by Jack Schaller | Aug 8, 2017 | General Technology, Legal Technology
Over the past couple of decades, email has become so commonplace that it is the automatic “go-to” for public and private sector communications. But lately, it seems that email has been in the news in a major way, to the point where intercepted or leaked email messages...
by Gerri Martin | Jun 19, 2017 | Legal Technology, Practice Management
In last week’s post we discussed the importance of carefully reviewing the firm’s current processes and workflow before abandoning a software application for “the latest and greatest” new product. In this week’s post we review the activity that a firm would typically...
by Gerri Martin | May 23, 2017 | Document Management, General Technology, Legal Technology
You need to know this stuff! ABA Ethics Opinion 99-413 was issued in 1999. We are now in 2017 and the rules have changed. In general, the new Opinion 99-477 still allows lawyers to use unencrypted email when communicating routinely with clients. Law Firms are...
by Gerri Martin | Apr 19, 2017 | General Technology, Legal Technology, Practice Management
Are you considering implementing a Virtual Law Firm? Moving all of your data and your applications to the Cloud will help you accomplish that. But what does “a Virtual Law Firm” even mean? Is there a difference between the Cloud approach and a...
by Dana Riel | Mar 27, 2017 | General Technology, Legal Technology
One of the best presentations I saw at this year’s ABA TechShow was given by Nerino Petro and Josh Lazar on implementing Windows 10 in a law firm. Why would introducing a new operating system in a law firm be different than anywhere else? Answer: Because law firms...