877-375-2810 [email protected]

Review: Time Capture by Timeslips

Earlier this month I spoke with one of our clients who said one of their goals was to increase their revenue. The office administrator admitted this was difficult “because people are horrible about entering their time”. She asked if I knew of any third-party apps that...

Review: Time Matters 16.5

Last September, several of us at Crosspointe Consulting Group attended the first annual meeting of the new entity, PCLawTime Matters, LLC the manufacturer of both PCLaw and Time Matters[1]  At that time, we heard promises; now we are pleased to announce the beginning...

Introducing NetDocuments SetBuilder

You have to organize and pull together several documents into one large one.  Perhaps you work in a law firm and have to put together an estate plan.  Or documents for a real estate closing.  There are programs that generate documents with “if/then/else” programming...