877-375-2810 [email protected]

The Modern General Ledger

In a recent white paper “The 10 Essentials of an Effective Financial Solution”, the first point identified as essential in the paper is a “modern general ledger”. Let’s see how Sage 50 meets this criteria. Premise: The modern general ledger (G/L) is the core of every...

Manage Credit Card Payments Directly in Sage 50

Many of our clients have asked if they can manage credit card payments directly in their accounting program.  The good news is, if your accounting program is Sage 50, the answer is “Yes”. Sage Payment Solutions works with Sage 50 to provide a seamless solution for...

Sage 50 2017 to be Released in Mid-July

Sage 50 2017 (and its companion 2017c) will appear in the “Check for Updates” window within the existing version of Sage 50, on or about Tuesday, July 12, 2016, for all users who have an active Sage BusinessCare plan.   Sage will no longer send download...