Paper:Less – not Paperless Office

The quest for “the paperless office” is akin to the search for the Holy Grail: no one is quite sure what the term “paperless” really means for a law practice today, or what is the best path to arrive at that elusive destination, but lots of folks seem to hold it up as...

Accounting for Law Firms

In my experience, attorneys seem to display an almost visceral dislike for – or fear of – accounting. Perhaps it is because, as professionals, they recognize what they don’t know, respect another profession’s specific area of expertise, and are content to...

Windows 10 For All

Microsoft surprised the technology world in January of this year by announcing that, for a period of one year from its initial release date, the company will provide a free update to Windows 10 for any user of Windows 7, Windows 8, or Windows 8.1. While this move was...