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Document Management is Hot Topic in 2014

TechnoLawyer, the popular online legal publication for all things related to law office technology, has released its top ten products for 2014. Their scoring is based on user interest, as measured by “click thrus” to product reviews published throughout the year, so the award is truly driven by reader interests. You can read about their annual ranking of products here.

And this year readers are clearly interested in document management. Of the so-called “Big Three” in law office software (time billing, practice management, and document management) document management systems have clearly been the poor relation, with much lower adoption rates that either of the other two categories. Seems like that is beginning to change now, as law firms deal with an ever upwardly-spiraling  mass of information to be distributed, edited, searched, secured, and otherwise managed.

To indulge in a bit of self-promotion, two of the top ten products this year are actively supported by Eastern Legal Systems, both in the document management category. Coming in at #2 this year is MetaJure, which according to MetaJure DMSTechnoLawyer “eschews manually-created document profiles in favor of automatic indexing and Google-like search technology”. We  like to think of it as “Document Management 2.0”, for attorneys who cannot abide the stringent profiling “rules” imposed by most other document management products. You can read the full TechnoLawyer review of MetaJure here.

netdocumentsAlso in TechnoLawyer’s top ten this year was NetDocuments’ very popular release of ndOffice. As stated by TechnoLawyer, ndOffice “essentially places the NetDocuments cloud document management system within Microsoft Office.” Even further, ndOffice now integrates very nicely with OneDrive within Office 365, offering a “multi-Cloud” storage facility that may be a harbinger of future integrated Cloud services. Eastern Legal Systems has supported NetDocuments for the past few years, and is thrilled to see that TechnoLawyer readers maintain a growing interest in Cloud-based document management. You can read TechnoLawyer’s full review of ndOffice here.

If you are not familiar with TechnoLawyer, it is a wonderful resource for all things related to law office technology. You can sign up for a free subscription to this informative publication here.


Have questions about document management or other law office technology products? Get in touch, we love answering questions for our readers. Email us at [email protected], or call our toll-free number at 877-357-0555.

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With over 30 years of experience serving law firms of all sizes, Crosspointe possesses a deep understanding of the specialized law office technology niche, adapting to the evolving needs of legal practices and inviting you to explore the range of products we support for our clients.

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