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Crosspointe Blog
The Crypto Virus Plague
Like living organisms, computer viruses continue to evolve, and a particularly nasty new species, the crypto virus, poses a serious threat to all...
Raising Security Awareness In Your Firm
It’s all too common lately to read or hear about cybersecurity breaches in organizations. And the causes of most data breaches aren’t complicated....
When is a Bill Not A Bill?
In most law offices, the billing needs to be reviewed by one or more attorneys before being sent out to clients. Depending on which billing program...
Paper:Less – not Paperless Office
The quest for “the paperless office” is akin to the search for the Holy Grail: no one is quite sure what the term “paperless” really means for a law...
Accounting for Law Firms
In my experience, attorneys seem to display an almost visceral dislike for – or fear of - accounting. Perhaps it is because, as professionals, they...
Data Security and Cloud Storage
With increasing usage of cloud-based document storage facilities, there is growing concern about data security. Recent headlines about data...
Windows 10 For All
Microsoft surprised the technology world in January of this year by announcing that, for a period of one year from its initial release date, the...
PCLaw 14 – How to E-mail Bills
We are 15 years into the 21st Century, yet there are firms who still use “snail mail” as the means for sending bills to clients. Here are some of...
Gavel & Gown Releases Amicus Premium 2015
At the annual Gavel & Gown consultant conference in Toronto last week, G&G President Ron Collins announced several important enhancements to...