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Crosspointe Blog
What Is Your Preference?
Controlling the Behavior of Timeslips: Part 1 Here is a message I frequently receive from Timeslips users: “My IT consultant just installed...
Hardware and Software for Law Firm Startups
I was recently asked to contribute a set of articles to TechnoLawyer on making technology selections for new – or expanded – legal practices, broken...
Transaction Log Backups: Point-In-Time TM Recovery
In an earlier post discussing SQL Server transaction log bloat, we touched on the benefits of a Time Matters backup plan that includes transaction...
Q & A Session with Lexis Regarding WatchDox
As a follow up post to her recent article on Time Matters 13 and Watchdox, ELS partner Dana Riel interviewed Steve Fetters, the Senior Product...
Report from the 2014 ABA TechShow
I have now returned from the ABA TechShow in Chicago, have waded through the avalanche of papers that were distributed at the show (well, mostly...
Live from Chicago… It’s ABATECH!
This week the ABA is sponsoring their annual legal technology conference in Chicago. Billed as “the place where lawyers, legal professionals and...
Test Drive: Time Matters 13 & WatchDox – the New Client Portal?
One of the major features of Time Matters Version 13 is its new collaboration with WatchDox – a cloud-based file sharing service with advanced...
Winding Down Windows XP
Remember when Microsoft first released Windows XP back in 2001? Yes, it really has been over a dozen years since its initial release. Initially...
Report from LegalTech 2014
Here is a brief synopsis of last week’s LegalTech New York 2014, one of the most important legal technology trade shows: Jason Thomas of Thomas...
Products to Put Under your Tree
TechnoLawyer's popular TL NewsWire recently published their "Top 25 Products of 2013". Click here to review their list of the 25 top products for...