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Crosspointe Blog
Are You Managing Your IT Services?
Are you managing your IT services, or contracting with a reliable IT support organization that offers this? If you are not paying attention to this...
Review: Fee Allocation in Timeslips
Fee Allocation in a law firm is both an important and sensitive topic. People want recognition for generating revenue, whether it is due to...
PDF Document Search with SymphonyOCR
PDF documents are ubiquitous. They are now even referenced by “Dr. Rick” in a humorous Progressive Insurance TV ad. What that ad does not...
TimeSolv + LexCharge = A/R Solution?
In November of 2020, the makers of TimeSolv, a cloud-based time tracking and billing application, announced a partnership with LexCharge to create a...
Attention QuickBooks Users: New Tax Form 1099-NEC
We’re approaching 2021, but 2020 still has a surprise in store for QuickBooks users: the IRS released a new form to report payments made to...
Worldox Rolls Out Teams Integration Early Release
The long-awaited Worldox integration with Microsoft Teams has arrived! After successful beta testing, the Teams integration is now available for...
Taxes and COVID-19
We do not usually write articles about tax issues, but we recently found some noteworthy articles related to taxes, the pandemic, and COVID-19, for...
News from PCLaw|Time Matters
We’ve written about cloud-based applications in our recent posts, but the staff at PCLaw|Time Matters LLC (also known as “P|T”) have been busy with...
Soluno and LawPay: Two Firms – One Single Solution
We recently introduced Soluno to our readers as a cloud-based, all-in-one time, billing and trust accounting solution that BusinessWire recently...
Using NetDocuments on iPads
Users can download the NetDocuments iPad/iPhone app from the Apple Store which gives them the ability to add, edit, view and share documents through their devices.