News article

Remote Entry Options in Timeslips

iSlipsIn this time of pandemics, many of our clients have been asking us about remote entry options for recording their time in Timeslips. If you don’t have a way to connect to the computer in your office, there are a few solutions available for remote cloud-based entry of your time into Timeslips.Our Timeslips consultants can provide support and configuration assistance with all of these methods.

Sage offers Timeslips eCenter as a monthly subscription “add-on” to a Timeslips on-premises license.This service, however, requires that you are operating on the most recent version of Timeslips, so that excludes a lot of potential users.Soon eCenter will only be available to users of Timeslips Premium (the subscription-based edition of Timeslips).

Steve Stasinos, a former Sage employee who helped to develop and maintain the Timeslips application while working at Sage, has developed an application called iSlips Online. We think this product may represent the best fit for many of our Timeslips clients, especially since it will work with any version of Timeslips.

Originally developed as an iPhone-based remote entry tool for Timeslips, with the current version of  iSlips you can enter time from either a mobile App or a Windows desktop PC. The application’s data syncs in real-time with the on-premises Timeslips database in your office. You have access to all of your clients and task code lists from the remote App; and your entries will be immediately available for billing.

You can choose either a monthly subscription license for $20 per user, or save a bit with a longer commitment by purchasing an annual license at $200 per year per user.

As a bonus to our clients, you can use the coupon code “TriStar” to get $20 off of your initial purchase.

To learn more about the iSlips application, visit or contact your Timeslips consultant at Crosspointe Consulting Group. We can be reached by email at [email protected], or by phone at 877-357-0555.

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