News article

Stop Losing Time (and Money) While Out Of The Office

by | Feb 16, 2016 | Timeslips

Have you ever heard your staff say how nice it would be to be able to enter their time into Timeslips when away from the office?  There is a solution!  Sage Timeslips eCenter gives in-house and remote computer / mobile device users the ability to generate time and expense slips over the web.

OOSince Sage Timeslips eCenter users enter their time and expenses through a browser, you don’t have to install any additional software.

This gives you the option of using multiple devices—including laptops, tablets, smartphones, Macs and more!

By linking Sage Timeslips eCenter to a desktop installation of Sage Timeslips, you provide your remote users with web-based access to post information as it is occurring. Then on a schedule determined by your office, you synchronize eCenter to your local installation of Timeslips.  During this process, the slips entered in eCenter are downloaded into Timeslips and any changes made to client information is uploaded into eCenter.

Once in eCenter, users can customize their workspace to suit their needs.  A user can keep track of their time by entering one slip at a time or use a timesheet view. Additionally, users are able to print slip reports and use timers.

(Below are screen shots of the single Time Slip Entry and the Timesheet entry windows.)




Sage Timeslips eCenter has built-in security and you can designate someone to be the Administrator. The Administrator can control the preferences for the users and would decide if users have the ability to edit slips, delete slips, etc.

This add-on is available as a monthly subscription so you can add or adjust the number of eCenter licenses you have at any time.  If you would like more information about eCenter, need pricing information or you would like to see it live, let us know – feel free to contact us at [email protected] or call us at 877-357-0555.

Watch for our new website coming soon, as we transition from Eastern Legal Systems to Crosspointe Consulting Group.

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With over 30 years of experience serving law firms of all sizes, Crosspointe possesses a deep understanding of the specialized law office technology niche, adapting to the evolving needs of legal practices and inviting you to explore the range of products we support for our clients.

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