Our team has been pleased to support CosmoLex, a leading provider of cloud-based legal practice management software for a few years now. And our...
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CosmoLex Bank Reconciliation Makes Accounting Easier
If you are like most attorneys, I know accounting is NOT your favorite thing. You want to spend time practicing law, not struggling with debits and...
Playing By The Rules: Choosing a Time, Billing, & Practice Management Software
We are really excited to announce that our team member, Dana Riel, will be the speaker for this month’s CosmoLex Webinar, titled: “Playing By The...
First Look: The New Client Portal in CosmoLex 4.2
A recent legal technology survey came up with a startling fact: Not many firms are implementing new technology. One reason cited was in a comment...
Connecting the Clouds
Over the past two years the pace of adoption for Cloud-based computing services has significantly increased. Especially for the small law firm and...