There are two types of law firms: those that know they have been hacked and those that do not.
In 2012, the FBI informed a New York law firm that all of their clients’ files were found on a server in China. A few months earlier, the FBI held a briefing with the top 200 firms in New York. The FBI’s message was clear: “Hackers see attorneys as a back door to the valuable data of their corporate clients.” In 2011, at least 80 major American law firms were hacked and that number seems to be increasing.
The best defense against your files getting hacked is to encrypt them, to ensure that outside sources cannot read the data contained within your files. Encryption is a method for transforming data during either transfer or storage so that it requires permission to access. The data is transformed using an algorithm that generates a decryption key that must be used in order to open the data.
World Software announced plans to incorporate encryption in the Worldox document management system. At the Worldox™ Conference in Phoenix, Chief Software Strategist Fred Grossman introduced “Encryption at Rest”, securing files that are not in active use.
Planned for release in the first half of 2016, the Worldox encryption system will provide file by file encryption. Worldox is writing its own RSA encryption calculator to generate encryption keys and the system will also use AES 256-bit encryption.
With Worldox Encryption, Worldox will provide security entirely unique for an on-premises document management system (DMS).
Worldox continues to strengthen security for documents being transferred from the DMS through its tight integration with Citrix’s ShareFile to send files through a secure link.
The upload and download of files is encrypted using 256-bit SSL, and files uploaded to ShareFile servers are saved with 256-bit AES encryption.
Interested in learning how to secure and protect all of your documents and emails?
To learn more about best practices to keep your client files safe and secure,
contact any one of our experienced consultants at 877-367-0555,
or email us at [email protected].

With clients throughout North America, Andrea Prigot guides firms through the selection, migration and implementation of billing, accounting, document management and practice management software. An experienced implementer and trainer, her current certifications include Caret Legal, Clio, NetDocuments, Cosmolex and TimeSolv. She also holds certifications in Amicus Attorney, Time Matters, Timeslips, PCLaw and Worldox.
Andrea is a founding member of Crosspointe Consulting Group, and president of Amicus Consulting, Inc., and has been a speaker and panelist on CLE programs for the New York State Bar Association and the Westchester County Bar Association.