News article

Worldox GX3 Debuts at LegalTech NYC

World Software Corporation’s Worldox GX3 was announced this week at LegalTech New York. There are three components:

    • Worldox GX3 Professional
    • Worldox Enterprise
    • Worldox Cloud.

The first, Worldox GX3 Professional, was released on February 1, and adds welcome new features and ease of use to the familiar Worldox client software. To wit: named toolbar buttons and toolbars that are configurable by the user, even allowing users to rename buttons. The reorganized left-side pane presents new view choices. Favorite Matters offers a way to view recent case files in that left-side folder tree pane. The My Workspaces function has been made more flexible, offering the ability to visually bookmark personal folders.

World Software claims that Worldox GX3 Professional will be up to 60% faster for certain operations. Integration has also been enhanced with the addition of connectors to Airmail, Bulk Archive, Client/Matter connectors. A new ISYS engine offers streamlined indexing and database management and is able to handle larger text indexes. There is also tighter Microsoft Active Directory integration. One benefit that Worldox has always offered is the ability to view documents for software you do not have installed; for example, you can view old WordPerfect documents without having WordPerfect installed, or the new Microsoft .DOCX format even if you don’t have Office 2007 or 2010 installed.

The free Worldox iPad app for Web Mobile subscribers will shortly have an update featuring integration with Dropbox, according to Rob Oriolo, Manager of Operations at World Software.  Many law firms are now using Dropbox in at least some capacity to sync files between the workplace computers and other devices.

In the coming months, expect an announcement of the release of GX3 Enterprise, which is an extension of Worldox into a terminal services environment in a unique way: the Worldox published app will have full communication with users’ local applications, including MS Office, Outlook and third-party integrations with case management software.

Also expect a future announcement of the release of GX3 Cloud, an SaaS housed, Cloud-based Worldox. The company continues to offer Worldox Web Mobile which can be either hosted by World Software or can be run on a web server at the customer’s office.

In addition, vendors like Trumpet, with its Symphony OCR and Profiling, are recognizing the value of integrating with Worldox. Airmail recently announced its integration with Worldox for OCR processing of pdfs. All in all, Worldox offers a reliable, affordable and powerful document management system that is up to date and ready for the new world of total access, all the time.

Have questions about Worldox, or about document management systems in general? Reach out to us at 877-357-0555 with your questions, and we will do our best to offer sound advice to help guide your decision.

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