News article

A Hidden Gem in Time Matters?

The attorney was interested in saving emails in Time Matters but her face fell when I showed how it was done. “We are careful to save our emails as .msg files” she explained. We’ve got to be sure we preserve them in their original form… “

In the past, saving emails in Time Matters consisted of copying the information to an Email record and saving it to a Matter and/or Contact form. Now with Version 12, those firms concerned with preserving the original content of Outlook email messages have a new option: Saving emails as documents.

When users now launch Microsoft Outlook, linked to Time Matters 12, two buttons appear on the toolbar –


Selecting the “Connect as Email” option works as it has done in the past. When a user selects “Connect as Document”, Time Matters brings up a Document Record which saves the selected email in the .MSG format.

Replying to emails works in a similar manner – if the option has been enabled in Outlook to prompt a user to save email replies, the same dialog box appears –


When the user chooses “Yes”, a new screen appears –


These selections work in the same way as the choices on the toolbar.

In adding this new feature, Time Matters recognizes the concerns of many who want to preserve the contents of emails in their original form. It’s one more way LexisNexis, the manufacturer of this award-winning practice management program, meets the needs of its customers.

Want to know what other “hidden gems” are in Version 12? Do you feel as if you’d like to know how to take advantage of the powerful features of this program? The consultants at Eastern Legal Systems can help with training and customization. Start the new year off right by calling us at 877-ELS-0555.

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