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Announcing Time Matters 2021

PCLaw|Time Matters, LLC, is proud to announce its release of a new version of Time Matters.  The title of this new version includes the year of its release, rather than a version number, bringing the product more into alignment with the branding of other software programs.

 New branding implies new features, and we’re pleased to see they include new links to popular services and programs: 

  • A new link with the online service LawConnect
  • New integration with the online service LawToolBox
  • Compatibility with new versions of Adobe Acrobat, QuickBooks and Juris

 A New Link with the Service LawConnect

 At last – Time Matters integration with LawConnect allows users to seamlessly share documents from Time Matters in a fully encrypted environment.  Sharing documents with colleagues and other outside collaborators can be done by highlighting document sections, inserting comments, signing documents and replying to other parties via the LawConnect platform.

Please note that LawConnect is a paid service and requires users to have their own subscription in order to use it.  You can see a demonstration of this new integration at Time Matters – LawConnect – YouTube.

 New Integration with the Service LawToolBox

 LawToolBox is an instant court date calculator and legal deadline calendaring service platform that automates rules-based calendaring for a broad range of case actions in thousands of state and federal courts throughout the United States.  We’ve seen demonstrations of this product at conferences for other programs and applications such as Office 365, Outlook 365, Centerbase, Actionstep and other practice management programs, to name a few.  And now we’re pleased to see this powerful tool integrate with Time Matters.

When creating or working with a new Matter, LawToolBox can automatically generate deadlines, based on rules of procedure.  These deadlines can be put into your Time Matters and Outlook calendars.   Like LawConnect, LawToolBox is a paid service and requires users to have their own subscription in order to use it.  You can see a demonstration at LawToolBox – Time Matters 2021 – YouTube.

 Compatibility with new versions of Adobe Acrobat, QuickBooks and Juris

 Time Matters continues its commitment to support and integrate with new versions of the following programs:

  • Adobe Acrobat Reader and Pro 2020
  • QuickBooks 2021
  • Juris 3.1


We’re pleased to see Time Matters ongoing commitment to add integration with programs, services and tools to make this practice management program the best it can be to serve the needs of its users.  Let our Time Matters consultants show you how to get the most from this powerful program.  Call us at 877-375-2810 or write to us at [email protected].

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