Raising Security Awareness In Your Firm

It’s all too common lately to read or hear about cybersecurity breaches in organizations. And the causes of most data breaches aren’t complicated. An employee opens an email that promises something desirable. Someone never turns off their workstation. Files are...

Using the Phone Call Manager in PCLaw

“I really wish we could do more with our PCLaw program. It does our billing, keeps track of our trust account beautifully, and the partners and our accountant love the reports. I know there’s more we could do… but I don’t know how.” We frequently hear this from...

PCLaw 14 – How to E-mail Bills

We are 15 years into the 21st Century, yet there are firms who still use “snail mail” as the means for sending bills to clients.  Here are some of the reasons: The firm enjoys paying for postage and using up their stationery The firm likes the time it takes for the...

“Technical” Support

We’ve recently heard from several clients that their software companies are touting the benefits of having a technical support plan.  In some cases, those plans may be required if the customer owns and uses the software or application.  The plans may have various...

Resolutions for the New Year

We all know those old adages –  “An apple a day keeps the doctor away.” “See your dentist twice a year.” “Change the oil in your car every 3,000 miles.” There’s truth in these sayings: they and others like them keep us healthy and our lives running smoothly. But what...