LexisNexis’ annual Practice Management Conference this past week in Las Vegas gave the good people of LexisNexis an opportunity to communicate their latest ideas and strategies for one of the stars in their portfolio: Time Matters. For some time now, the strategy has been to pair this award-winning product as a “front office” solution to another LexisNexis product, PCLaw. Merely showing Time Matters off as part of a greater whole, however, has had its limits, particularly since TM works very well on its own and can also link with other applications (like Timeslips, Tabs 3, etc.).
In reaching out to the legal community, LexisNexis outlined their various strategies for law practices of all sizes and areas of practice. While the LexisNexis products continue to appeal to all law firms across the spectrum, internal software developers are working to position Time Matters for organizations categorized as “progressive.”
And what might a “progressive” law firm look like? It is small- to mid-sized. It has staff who are pro-active in their deployment of technology, doing research to determine the best products for their specific goals. They may have a dedicated IT staff, or have staff who are tech-savvy. They seek the most “bang for the buck”, wanting applications that work with Microsoft Office (Versions 2003, 2007 or even 2010). They seek robust document management. And whatever applications they select, they must have mobile technology options. On the mobile (or remote) device they want access to information about calendars/dockets, matters, contacts, notes and even billing records. If this “shoe” fits your firm, you should consider yourself “progressive” and know that LexisNexis has you targeted as a valued consumer of their practice management application.
Time Matters Version 10 has seen three service releases, all designed to improve stability and offer compatibility with emerging new technology. Version 10 has been in distribution for approximately eighteen months. While LexisNexis does not want – at this time – to commit to a firm release date, consultants at the conference were informed that we may expect the release of a Version 11 in the first quarter of next year (2011).
What to expect? A continued commitment to reach out to new mobile applications. Stronger, more robust linkage to PCLaw and Juris. Easier and tighter integration to legal-oriented business applications
The consultants at Eastern Legal Systems will continue to work with our clients and LexisNexis through the “roll-out of Time Matters Version 11, communicating your “wish list” to LexisNexis, and working with them to release the best product possible. Please contact us with any questions, or to discuss your specific issues and requirements regarding Time Matters.

Dana Riel is President and Founder of Business Solutions, Inc., serving the Washington, D.C. metropolitan area since 1985. Her firm is the authorized training center for the region for Time Matters and PCLaw by PCLaw|Time Matters, PLLC; Timeslips and Sage 50 Accounting by Sage Software; and QuickBooks by Intuit Corporation. She also serves as a consultant for Caret Legal (formerly known as Zola Suite), CosmoLex, Soluno & TimeSolv. As a trainer, Dana has provided training services to organizations such as the DOD Defense Logistics Agency, Judge Advocate General’s Office (JAG)/Department of the Navy, University of the District of Columbia School of Law, U.S. Department of Commerce and the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs, as well as with small‐ to mid‐size law firms in the Baltimore‐Washington D.C. area. In 2009, she participated in the series of day‐long seminars sponsored by the District of Columbia Bar Association Practice Management Section, titled “Basic Training: Learn About Running a Law Office”. Ms. Riel also served as an Adjunct Professor in Georgetown University’s Paralegal Studies Program, having taught the course, “Legal Ethics/Legal Technology” in 2009; and “Legal Technology” for the Spring and Summer Semesters of 2010. She presently serves on the Advisory Board for PCLaw|Time Matters, PLLC.