When was the last time you thought about the experience of prospective clients contacting your office for the first time? What do they hear? Do they...
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Practicing Law in 2016 Just Got More Interesting
Is your firm practicing law in Virginia? Congratulations! On December 17 the Virginia Supreme Court approved some significant changes to the...
Year End Resolutions
We all know those old adages – “An apple a day keeps the doctor away.” “See your dentist twice a year.” “Change the oil in your car every 3,000...
Software to let you open the door to clients securely
Clients want to be able to access their documents and understand the next steps on their matters. The challenge, given the news about hacking, is...
Client Portals
Here is what Wikipedia has to say about the emerging and rapidly growing interest in client portals: “A client portal is an electronic gateway to a...
Connecting the Clouds
Over the past two years the pace of adoption for Cloud-based computing services has significantly increased. Especially for the small law firm and...
Products to Put Under your Tree
TechnoLawyer's popular TL NewsWire recently published their "Top 25 Products of 2013". Click here to review their list of the 25 top products for...
Review: TechnoLawyer Buyer’s Guide to Legal Billing Software
For those of you who do not know about TechnoLawyer (www.technolawyer.com), it is a great resource, comprised of lawyers talking to lawyers about...