By Dana Riel and David MichaelFourth in a Series In our last post we talked about competence and diligence: What lawyers think it means, what...
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Proactive Management Based (Self) Regulation
Much of life is reactive, sometimes unpleasantly so. Here is the good news. There are ways to be proactive in your law practice; to provide great...
Online Software Has Changed the Law Office Software Debate
The debate over “best-of-breed” versus “all-in-one” software for law office management has long been a critical decision for law firms seeking to...
Artificial Intelligence has a Dark Underbelly
We have been down this road before, with the proliferation of clothing plants and electronic assembly factories sprouting up in countries where...
Crosspointe Has a New Member
(3 minute read) Crosspointe Consulting Group is proud to announce a new addition to our team: David Michael of Michael Matters, Inc. from...
Factors in Choosing a Cloud Platform
With many good options available now for migrating your data into the cloud, the software selection process can be daunting. How should you select...
Entering Non-Client Related Payments in CARET Legal
CARET Legal is a cloud-based comprehensive program that supports law firms’ daily operations. It includes: contact management matter management lead...
Now is the Time: Moving Forward!
This is the third in a series of articles listing the reasons why now is the time to determine if new programs or solutions are needed for your firm...
The AI Wave in Law Office Software
The AI wave is crashing down on law firms and their law office software applications as you read this article. Some would consider it a tsunami,...
Now is the Time: It’s Time to Decide
Last month I wrote an article listing the reasons why now is the time to determine if new programs or solutions are needed for your firm as we look...
Planning for 2024: Now is the Time
As I write this, it is August and we are all baking in these sun-drenched days. Many of our clients are on vacation. It’s a great time to hit the...
A Hidden Gem in Microsoft Bookings
If you run a firm or other business, managing appointments and scheduling can be time-consuming and challenging. However, did you know that if you...
Paying Attention to Cybersecurity
Current technology makes it easier than ever to have access to all of your important information, no matter where you are or what devices you use....
Taking Care of Business
If you or a family member wanted to learn how to drive a vehicle, would you do so only by watching YouTube videos? Don’t get me wrong; they have...
Time Matters Database Cleanup
Have you ever found that, after years of fast and reliable use, your database is no longer as responsive as it once was? Databases that remain in...
What I Learned From the Pandemic
6 lessons for professional service firms to contemplate in a post-pandemic worldThe Covid-19 Pandemic – in which we are still mired - has laid bare...
Are You Managing Your IT Services?
Are you managing your IT services, or contracting with a reliable IT support organization that offers this? If you are not paying attention to this...
Beyond Financial Consequences – Protecting the Reputation of your Firm
Everything you’ve ever heard about how much money is lost due to information security breaches is only part of your exposure. When word gets out...
Report from LegalWeek 2020: What I Learned
ALM’s Legalweek New York is where lawyers and industry pundits share their views of important technology trends, and vendors come to announce new...
Services Needed to Support a Move to the Cloud
The legal profession is rapidly moving to a broader acceptance of Cloud-based law office management software as a viable choice for operating a...
Moving to the Cloud
Talk of “moving to the Cloud” has permeated legal technology discussions for the past few years. Proponents and opponents of Cloud computing give...
ProCirrus – Another Cloud Rolls In For Law Firms
We have recently been introduced to a new - for Crosspointe anyway - Cloud-based hosting service. ProCirrus, based in Minnesota, joins the ranks of...
LegalWeek New York 2018 – Roundup Report
Our recent visit to LegalWeek New York focused on products for storing, searching and creating documents, from Dictation One, iManage, MetaJure,...
You Talkin’ to Me? Alexa, Siri, Cortana and Voice Activated AI
Amazon sold millons of its Echo devices -Dot, Tap, Show, etc. – in 2016, and has so far captured about 70% of the market in consumer-oriented Voice...
There’s Gold in your Current Software
Is your inbox full of marketing pitches urging you to switch to new software? Sometimes it pays to switch, and sometimes not. Since moving to new...
Can Your Email Habits Get You Into Trouble?
Over the past couple of decades, email has become so commonplace that it is the automatic “go-to” for public and private sector communications. But...
Launching a Process Change Project: Part 2
In last week’s post we discussed the importance of carefully reviewing the firm’s current processes and workflow before abandoning a software...
ABA Ethics Opinion 99-413 Has Been Updated
You need to know this stuff! ABA Ethics Opinion 99-413 was issued in 1999. We are now in 2017 and the rules have changed. In general, the new...
Implementing a Virtual Law Firm
Are you considering implementing a Virtual Law Firm? Moving all of your data and your applications to the Cloud will help you accomplish that. But...
Implementing Windows 10 in a Law Firm
One of the best presentations I saw at this year’s ABA TechShow was given by Nerino Petro and Josh Lazar on implementing Windows 10 in a law firm. ...