If you run a firm or other business, managing appointments and scheduling can be time-consuming and challenging. However, did you know that if you...
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Taxes and COVID-19
We do not usually write articles about tax issues, but we recently found some noteworthy articles related to taxes, the pandemic, and COVID-19, for...
Need to write a “one-off” check? here’s how
Occasionally you may have to write a check to pay a bill and will probably never have to write a check to that particular company or person again....
Beyond Financial Consequences – Protecting the Reputation of your Firm
Everything you’ve ever heard about how much money is lost due to information security breaches is only part of your exposure. When word gets out...
Cybersecurity Tips
Like many professionals around the world, our Crosspointe consultants have been working remotely due to COVID-19. For this post we have a guest...
Closing the Year in Accounting: Some items to consider
Many of our clients generate their tax and financial reports on a calendar year basis. With that in mind, here are some year-end accounting items...
Custom Fields in TimeSolv
When setting up Clients, Matters, or even Associated Contacts in TimeSolv, it’s important to capture as much relevant information as possible. To...