News article

How To: Customize The PCLaw Toolbar

by | Aug 14, 2015 | PC Law

One of the things we hear from our PCLaw clients is that for one reason or another, the program doesn’t “do” what the user thinks it ought to do. This usually comes down to a case of the end-user feeling that the commands they use aren’t close at hand, whereas the commands and features they don’t use are right in front of them.

What many users don’t know is that there are a few ways to put the most commonly used commands and features within easy view and reach.  Here’s how

Customizing The Toolbar…  

The PCLaw toolbar is at the top of the desktop screen ⇓Desktop Screen (top)

The buttons that are displayed by default are the ones that Lexis Nexis thinks are the ones end-users most commonly use. And so they include, for instance, one for the Matter Manager (sixth from the left).  The fact is, a large button for the Matter Manager is already at the bottom of my desktop – and it’s a lot more visible. Therefore, do I really need it up here? More importantly – could I replace it with a command that is not easily accessed?

At the end of the toolbar is a small downward-pointing arrow.  Clicking on it gives me a menu, like so ⇓

Customize the toolbar

The first thing to do is to remove those buttons on the PCLaw Toolbar representing commands that can be easily accessed elsewhere. Select Add or Remove Buttons – PCLaw Toolbar.

A menu will then appear displaying the buttons chosen for your toolbar.

Dialog box

Dialog Box

Uncheck the buttons you do not want to have on your toolbar.

This will give you room to then display the commands you would like to have on hand.

Next, to get the commands you’d like to have, select Add or Remove ButtonsCustomize the toolbar

This opens up a dialog box that shows commands from every menu in PCLaw.

Menu category

Customize Menu Category/Command


Highlight the menu category on the left. On the right, choose the command from that menu.  When you have selected the command(s) you want, click on the Close button to add these commands to your toolbar.

By using these features, you can make those commands you use the most in PCLaw more readily available for your day-to-day activities in the program.

How do you use PCLaw in your organization? Are there other ways in which the program can meet your needs? Are you aware of all the features in the program?
How can we help you get the most from this powerful time tracking/billing/general ledger
accounting program? 
Be sure to contact Eastern Legal Systems at 1-877-ELS-0555
if we may be of assistance for your training, reporting or general implementation needs.

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With over 30 years of experience serving law firms of all sizes, Crosspointe possesses a deep understanding of the specialized law office technology niche, adapting to the evolving needs of legal practices and inviting you to explore the range of products we support for our clients.

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