News article

Crosspointe Has a New Member

(3 minute read)

Crosspointe Consulting Group is proud to announce a new addition to our team: David Michael of Michael Matters, Inc. from Wisconsin.  With over 20 years of experience in supporting and integrating software for law firms and legal agencies, David brings a wealth of knowledge and a fresh perspective that will be instrumental in supporting our clients and their goals.  But we’ll let David tell you in his own words:

David, what led you into the field of legal technology?

My path to this career is a little different. I studied Public Administration for my master’s degree and chose employment with the state court system, first in Wisconsin, then in North Carolina. I served on the forms design committee and drafted recordkeeping rules and retention policies. As the courts came into the digital age, I helped design and implement those systems. In North Carolina, I led the team that implemented a statewide civil case management system in all 100 counties in just 18 months.  That was a record of its own. For many in the courts, this was the first time they ever touched a computer. Areas of law had workflows that had not been reviewed with the scrutiny needed for digital data collection. This experience was transformative for both the courts and for me!

Subsequently, I transitioned from systems administration and became a Trial Court Administrator. It was exciting to use the tools I helped create to manage cases and calendars. This role put me on the front line with lawyers, judges, and clerks and gave me a bird’s eye view of how the law works

Throughout my career, I’m known for transforming applications to match the workflows at hand. Understanding and addressing these requirements is what sets me apart. It is important to speak the language, not just know the software.

What programs do you support? 

I hold several certifications that underscore my expertise, which include Advanced Time Matters certification, Advanced Billing Matters certification, PCLaw, Caret Legal, Neos, and MetaJure. I recently attained the specialized certification for Caret Legal Data Migration and have performed hundreds of migrations from many products.

One of the better developments in legal software case management solutions now, includes the tools we need to more completely import matter and contact lists. Some even have historical billing detail import functionality.  This is good news for everybody.

And when you’re not working with software…? 

Believe it or not, I enjoy reading and talking about SQL, Python, AI, and E-Discovery.  Legal technology continues to expand its horizons and I welcome the challenge to continue learning.

Otherwise, when I’m not implementing software, I work and play in agroforestry, substitute teach, kayak, fish, and I am one of those Green Bay Packer fans. It’s great to be on the Crosspointe team.  Call me when you want to talk shop!


Adding David to our team enhances our talents and continues our goals of helping our clients get the most from their programs and related applications.  We’re located in New York, Philadelphia, Baltimore/Washington, D.C. and Chicago but our clients are located across the United States and internationally.  We support them in the areas of; practice management, case management, document management, document assembly, accounting and now E-Discovery.  Want to know more?  Write to us at [email protected] or call us at 877-375.2810.

Delivering comprehensive legal technology solutions.
With over 30 years of experience serving law firms of all sizes, Crosspointe possesses a deep understanding of the specialized law office technology niche, adapting to the evolving needs of legal practices and inviting you to explore the range of products we support for our clients.

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