News article

Editing Bill Images in Timeslips 2012

by | Aug 2, 2011 | Timeslips

It’s baffling – what is it about legal clients that makes them feel entitled to not pay their bills for months on end, and then tell their attorneys that they don’t “like” something about their bill and want a new one?  Do these same people call up their credit card companies and say the same thing? 

Even more puzzling – why do attorneys allow this?  We’ve seen men and women who are Lions of Litigation in the courtroom immediately fold when confronted with this situation. 

 Nevertheless, this is sometimes the reality in law firms, and the question posed to legal technology consultants becomes:  “What can our billing software do to address this?”

 Timeslips, the award-winning time and billing program by Sage Software, allows users to undo only the last bill generated for a client.  This has caused concern in the past, since clients are not always considerate when complaining, and often wait longer than one billing cycle before protesting.  Nevertheless, the program follows this rule because it adheres to Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP), the standard framework of guidelines for financial accounting, set forth by the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants.  In short:  It follows the rules.

 So, does that mean some poor soul has to re-type a multiple page bill in order to make a correction to get the bill paid?  Not any more.

 Timeslips Version 2012 has a new feature, which allows a user to access bill images created during the billing process and convert them to a Rich Text File (.RTF) format.  This applies to all bill images – even those created with earlier versions of the software.  This converted file can then be opened with Microsoft Word and edited to reflect mutually agreed upon changes.

Edit Timeslips Bills With Word

  The client gets a revised bill.  An adjustment to the client’s balance can then be entered into the program.  GAAP is preserved.  None of the staff quit in frustration over billing.

 This is one of many new features packed into this version.  With these improvements, Sage listened to what their Timeslips customers were saying to improve workflow and efficiency in time tracking and billing.  You can learn more about these new features at

 Have you tried the new version of Timeslips?  What do you think of it?  Do you need help with upgrading or would you like to discuss what the product can do for your firm with one of our consultants?  Ask for  Jack Schaller in Pennsylvania, Andrea Prigot or Haig Hovaness in New York or Dana Riel in the Baltimore-Washington, D.C. area.  We can be reached at 1-877-ELS-0555 or you may visit our web site at

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