News article

Electronic Billing in Sage Timeslips 2015

by | Dec 10, 2014 | Timeslips

We’re hearing from more and more of our clients that they are required, by one or more of their clients to submit their bills in an “electronic data” format by uploading them to a specific website.  Electronic billing is not only here to stay, but is gaining ground as a major billing method.  The good people at Sage Timeslips recognized this trend and met the demands of their customers with significant improvements in the way the program creates those specially formatted files.

 What We Like

  1.  Sage Timeslips can now create multiple files – Until now, those electronic data interchange (EDI) files had to be created one… at… a… time. Somewhat bearable if you only have to create a few, but impossible when those files number in the hundreds. In Version 2015, each data format (such as LEDES 1998B) can be set up as a template with its own rules. Each client invoice can be automatically generated as a separate file; or multiple invoices can be combined into one file. You can also set up a rule to manually enter start and end dates, or let Timeslips define the date range automatically. LEDES98 Setup Screen
  2.  Files can be created more easily – Once bills are generated and put in Proof Stage, open the dialog box to see those clients whose invoices are ready to be generated. Check the boxes and click on the Export button. The data files will be saved to a location you pre-defined, or the program can prompt you for a file path. Send to Audit House
  3.  Activities can be linked to Clients – One major reason why bills are rejected by audit houses is that unappoved tasks and expenses are assigned to slips. In Timeslips Version 2015, there is an option to assign only certain Tasks and Expenses to clients. Those tasks and expenses will be the only ones that appear in drop-down lists so there won’t be any accidental mistakes. Less time for review. A better chance for success.
  4.  Advance warning if there are mistakes – Until now, an EDI file could be generated and submitted and a firm would have to hope there were no errors. Now in Version 2015, if there are issues with incomplete or incorrect data, a warning message will appear: Export warningThe user now has the option to not move the incorrect data, while allowing those files which are correct to move to the next stage. Click on the View Log button to get details on the errors involved.

We believe these new features go a long way in making the process of creating EDI files simpler for the user. It cuts down the time involved and increases the chances of producing invoices that are accepted by audit houses. In doing so, Sage Timeslips continues its tradition of providing features that make it the gold standard in time tracking and billing.

There are many other, new features in Timeslips that also improve efficiency in billing. We will be looking at some of these in the near future, but if you can’t wait, call us at 877-ELS-0555. We specialize in training and customization services for Timeslips and other major legal software programs. Let us help make your job easier!

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