News article

Introducing iSlips

by | Aug 23, 2011 | Timeslips

If there is one question that I hear the most as a Timeslips consultant it is this – “Does Timeslips have an app for my iPhone?”

 Sage Software, the manufacturer of Timeslips, does not.  But a former programmer who worked there does.  Check out the Apple iTunes Store for iSlips, the application that allows users to exchange slip-based data between their Timeslips database and their iPhones , iPod Touch and/or iPads. 

iSlips is a product of Brain Freeze software (  It works on  a simple premise. 

  1. Download the synchronization software to a workstation that accesses your Timeslips database. 
  2. Synchronize Timeslips data with your iPhone or iPad, either wirelessly or by exporting data to the device. 
  3. Enter your time and expenses. 
  4. Send that data back to your workstation, either wirelessly or by exporting the slip data.

 iSlips takes advantage of the fact that an iPhone or iPad is “always on”.  It is certainly handy to enter a time or expense charge while on the go.  Or, use it instead of waiting for a computer or network workstation to go through its startup routine.

 Other advantages (and waaaay cool features!) are –

  • A mileage calculator that measures the distance between your client’s location and your default, starting location (click on the “Get Location” button to begin the calculation
  • )The ability to track time spent on sending an email from your device to a client and use the stored client’s email address for the message.
  • The ability to track the time spent on a call from your iPhone, and entering it on a slip.

 iSlips works with Timeslips 10.5 or higher.  It’s definitely NOT free and may even strike you as pricey.  However, it’s cost will be more than made up when you track the extra time that otherwise would have been lost when working through your day.  Those of us at Eastern Legal Systems are not sales people for Brain Freeze Software and do not have a monetary interest in it.  But I have to say that as a Timeslips user, this is a great app.

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