You have to organize and pull together several documents into one large one. Perhaps you work in a law firm and have to put together an estate plan. Or documents for a real estate closing. There are programs that generate documents with “if/then/else” programming clauses. But isn’t there an easier, less complicated way? The people at NetDocuments, the award-winning, secure, cloud-based document management application are proud to introduce SetBuilder – an easy way to organize, compile and distribute document sets. It can be used for closing documents, filings, wills & estate planning, or even to create HR documents for new employees.
Here’s how it works:
Step #1: Create a New Set – SetBuilder is an add-on for NetDocuments. Once it is enabled, go to Add New Set and give it a name. Click on the Add button to continue.
Step #2: Add/Drop In Your Documents – You may add documents outside of NetDocuments through a Drag & Drop method; or go to where they are already located in NetDocuments and copy them into the set. SetBuilder accepts a variety of file types such as Word, Excel, .PDF files, etc. Once in, you may change the arrangement by moving the files around so that the order resembles a Table of Contents or outline.
Step #3: Add Placeholders, if Needed – If you don’t have all of your documents completed, you may add placeholders to plan which document you need in a category and have a place for it when you are ready to add it.
Step #4: Compile the Set – When all documents are assembled and ready for publishing, click on the button Generate Binder. Fill in the fields and click Generate Binder. That’s it! SetBuilder will compile your documents into one PDF document with an optional Cover Page and/or Table of Contents, ready for delivery or use.
If you make document sets like these, you have the option of cloning a set, making it a template for future use.
SetBuilder by NetDocuments gives users the advantage of standardizing their work on multi-document compilation for use across simparl cases or programs. It reduces the chance of skipping steps or leaving document out, opening your organization to various risks. And it helps users become more efficient.
Want to know more about SetBuilder and NetDocuments? Our NetDocuments team is well versed on helping users get the most out of this and other programs and applications.
We know the tips and tricks! To learn more, contact us at [email protected], or call us at 877-357-0555.
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Dana Riel is President and Founder of Business Solutions, Inc., serving the Washington, D.C. metropolitan area since 1985. Her firm is the authorized training center for the region for Time Matters and PCLaw by PCLaw|Time Matters, PLLC; Timeslips and Sage 50 Accounting by Sage Software; and QuickBooks by Intuit Corporation. She also serves as a consultant for Caret Legal (formerly known as Zola Suite), CosmoLex, Soluno & TimeSolv. As a trainer, Dana has provided training services to organizations such as the DOD Defense Logistics Agency, Judge Advocate General’s Office (JAG)/Department of the Navy, University of the District of Columbia School of Law, U.S. Department of Commerce and the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs, as well as with small‐ to mid‐size law firms in the Baltimore‐Washington D.C. area. In 2009, she participated in the series of day‐long seminars sponsored by the District of Columbia Bar Association Practice Management Section, titled “Basic Training: Learn About Running a Law Office”. Ms. Riel also served as an Adjunct Professor in Georgetown University’s Paralegal Studies Program, having taught the course, “Legal Ethics/Legal Technology” in 2009; and “Legal Technology” for the Spring and Summer Semesters of 2010. She presently serves on the Advisory Board for PCLaw|Time Matters, PLLC.