News article

iTimeKeep: Timekeeping Made Cool

by | Oct 31, 2018 | Time & Billing

Last June I wrote about our initial impressions of iTimeKeep by Bellefield Systems. We first saw this last March at ABATECH in Chicago.  Having learned more about it, our enthusiasm for this cloud-based time tracking system has only grown.


By the time you read this article, your firm will be at the beginning or end of a billing cycle. How did that go?  Was getting your firm’s bills generated and sent easy?  Or was it yet another round of dragging your staff through another grind because somehow people just couldn’t get their time in… on time?

At first glance, the premise behind iTimekeep is simple: Time is Money. Log in on any device, enter your password, and start recording what you do in a day.  What is included in “any” device?

  • Your desktop
  • Your laptop
  • Your smartphone (iOS, Android, MS, Blackberry, etc.)
  • Your smartwatch (Apple Watch, Samsung Gear, Garmin, etc.)
  • Anything else that can access the Internet

There are other apps that can do that. But what’s important is what iTimekeep works with all of the following:


Okay, that’s good to know. But what makes this “cool”?

  • Synchronization that allows the latest information about clients, matters, projects, activities and expenses to be accessible for data entry on your device
  • No data is actually stored on your remote device. So if it’s lost or stolen, your activities and your clients’ data remain secure.
  • Allows setup of rules from your time tracking/accounting system regarding how you bill your clients – if your client specifies that your firm is not allowed to bill something, it can’t be accidentally billed by your timekeepers
  • Encourages your timekeepers to put in their time contemporaneously – timekeepers can dictate their descriptions and they can even be graded (all timekeepers want to get an “A”, right?)With all of these features and integrations, timekeeping and billing become simpler. Timekeepers begin to see the benefits of actually tracking their time, with measurable rewards. And perhaps for the first time, keeping time can actually become… cool.If you’d like to sign up for a free 30-day trial, please click here and fill out a form to register for a trial. It’s on us!

Considering moving to the Cloud? Going “all in”? Or perhaps just testing it out? You can keep your present timekeeping and billing system, yet give your staff a flexible way to enter their time and expenses. The iTimekeeping consultants on the Crosspointe team would be happy to speak with you. Call us at 877-357-0555 or write to us at [email protected].

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