News article

It’s the Most Wonderful Time of the Year
It’s hard to believe that we are coming up on the end of 2019. The holiday season awaits. But with the impetus of Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008 also going away, we’ve heard from several clients that they are at a crossroads in deciding what to do
  • Should they invest in new hardware, or go to hosted environments/cloud applications?
  • And if they’re going to make a move, should they change what they use for accounting, document management, time & billing and practice management?
Fortunately, software and cloud application companies are more than willing to “help” you in your decision by offering sales and incentives for you to make a switch. Here’s a rundown of offers: NETDOCUMENTS NetDocuments is the gold standard for cloud-based document management system and we have written several blog posts about its features. (See Between now and December 31, they offer one of three options:
  • For each new subscription to a NetDocuments product (NetDocuments NDMail, NDSync, SetBuilder, etc.) there will be a 5% discount that is cumulative. Subscribe to NetDocuments and receive a 5% discount.  Add NDMail and receive a 10% discount.  Add ND-OCR and receive a 15% discount, etc. up to a maximum of 25%.     OR
  • For each new subscription to NetDocuments, each license receives an additional 20 GB of storage as standard. OR
  • Order a new subscription to NetDocuments before 11/30/2019 and delay billing until 2/1/2020. Or order a new subscription after 11/30/2019 and before 12/31/2019 and delay billing until 3/1/2020.
TIMESOLV TimeSolv is a cloud-based time tracking, billing and practice management system, notable for converting data for Timeslips users to give them a migratory path to the cloud.  They offer two “CyberMonday Specials” for switching and they are good ones –
  • Existing Timeslips users – The first 50 Timeslips customers who sign up for a free trial on December 2, 2019 *and* do a full historical conversion will receive a $250 Amazon Gift Card. Please contact us for the promo code.
  • Non-Timeslips Clients – The first 50 customers to sign up for a free trial on December 2, 2019 and eventually become a TimeSolv customer will receive a $100 Amazon Gift Card. Again, please contact us for the promo code.
TIME MATTERS / PCLAW In case you’ve missed our previous announcements, Time Matters and PCLaw are under new management.  PCLaw|Time Matters, LLC is a joint venture with LexisNexis and LEAP Software as the major stakeholders.  We’re excited at news to come of new features and real innovation for these products!   And, to underscore their commitment to these products, PCLaw|Time Matters is offering the following incentives for active customers. (“Active” = Those customers on a current Annual Maintenance Plan)
  • PCLaw “Go” and Time Matters “Go” – For every license of either Time Matters or PCLaw, customers on an active Annual Maintenance Plan may receive a license of PCLaw Go or Time Matters Go apps for mobile data entry, a $99.00/license value for free. This offer expires on December 31, 2019.  Contact us for details.
We expect to hear from our other vendors as we approach December, so watch this space!  Our team is here to help you with all aspects of the programs we support to get the most from them.  Call us at 877-357-0555 or write to us at [email protected].     
Delivering comprehensive legal technology solutions.
With over 30 years of experience serving law firms of all sizes, Crosspointe possesses a deep understanding of the specialized law office technology niche, adapting to the evolving needs of legal practices and inviting you to explore the range of products we support for our clients.

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