News article

Looking Down the Road with PCLaw

by | Oct 3, 2011 | PC Law

Last week my colleague, Jack Schaller, wrote about news that came out of the annual LexisNexis Practice Management Conference. He focused on Time Matters. This week it is my pleasure to write about PCLaw.

This year the release of the “Version 11” series of both Time Matters and PCLaw emphasized mobility – an expansion in the direction of allowing users to both see existing data and augment it in real time while out of the office. PCLaw Mobility allows users to:

  1. view their list of Contacts,
  2. view a list of their Matters
  3. enter both time and client-related expenses on any smartphone that accesses the internet.

Viewing calendar options is scheduled as an addition to this service either late in the 4th quarter of this year or early next year.

While the link between Time Matters and PCLaw has been enhanced, more emphasis has been placed on the “Front Office” functions inside of PCLaw. During the installation process, users are now asked if they want to turn on the Calendar, Phone Call Manager, and Document Tracker/Manager. Another new feature – Import Holidays – allows several holidays from different countries, as well as Jewish holidays, to be listed and tracked on calendars.

Most notable, however, was the emphasis made to PCLaw consultants that reporting in or with PCLaw can be done both inside and outside of the program, whether a site still uses the proprietary CTREE database, or MS-SQL.

“Chief, I think we need the Cone of Silence… “

Rumors that surface from time to time questioning the life span of PCLaw were firmly put to rest this year as consultants were shown a “road map” of planned feature enhancements. We were told in no uncertain terms to not write about them at this time, but be assured we will be making some exciting announcements in the year to come.

Breaking News
We were pleased to learn that Time Matters won the vote for Best Docket Management Software by the New York Law Journal last week. Check it out!

Has your office upgraded to PCLaw Version 11 yet? Have you tried the PCLaw Mobility Service? What do you think of it – has it helped you and your staff capture more time?

More importantly – have you tried customizing the program (toolbars, menus, the Matter Manager, etc.) or adding custom reports?

Give us a call at 877-ELS-0555 if you would like to learn more about these new features or explore customizing the program for your needs.

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