News article

ndMail – Predictive E-mail Filing with the Power of NetDocuments

On Monday, March 26, 2018, NetDocuments released ndMail, an add-in to Outlook that provides intelligent, efficient predictive filing of e-mails. This powerful tool lets you leverage the power and security of NetDocuments with little change to your current daily routine.

What does that mean?
Let’s break it down. Here are the things you can do with ndMail from Outlook:

Available Actions in ndMail

View Predictions
Once installed, ndMail provides a window in your Outlook environment, as well as within your e-mail messages. As you type, NetDocuments provides predictions based on your filing habits, and those of others in your company, where it believes the e-mail will most likely be filed. To select a location, simply check the box and hit send. Incoming messages are just as easy – choose the location, check the box, and click File.

Search for a Location
Don’t see your location? Simply use the search bar and add your destination with a few keystrokes. The more you use it, the better it learns and applies that knowledge to everyone in your organization. So even if you only file a couple of e-mails a month, ndMail learns from the super-busy admin who’s filing dozens of e-mails a day and passes that knowledge on to you.
Example Search bar with results
Browse Tree View
If you prefer to simply browse to the location you wish to file, you can click the “Browse” button to the right of the search bar and step through your workspaces to the location where you want to file your documents.

Tree view image

Customize an Item
Prior to filing, you can re-name the e-mail to something more descriptive or appropriate to the topic of the message at the click of a button. Similarly, you can set the e-mail’s access, to determine whether it can be seen by everyone who has access to the workspace, or just you.
Illustration of actions available on a single e-mail

File a Message
Expanded available actions with ndMail for customization and filing

We covered the ways to file by searching, browsing or selecting from the predictions. However, if you are not interested in finding the NetDocuments location and prefer to use your existing folders, that’s okay too. Map your existing Outlook folders to NetDocuments workspaces and continue to file to those folders the way you always have. All e-mails dragged to a mapped folder are automatically filed to that location.

Sample image of mapped Outlook folders

Last, but certainly not least, ndMail provides a Global Filing Indicator. No matter how many people in your organization are cc’ed on a message, if one of them files it to NetDocuments, the Global Filing Indicator will let you know, so you don’t need to do a thing.

Illustration of global filing indicator's look and location.

Are you intrigued by what you’ve read and interested in learning more? Let us help.         


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