News article

News from PCLaw|Time Matters

by | Sep 30, 2020 | PC Law|Time Matters

We’ve written about cloud-based applications in our recent posts, but the staff at PCLaw|Time Matters LLC (also known as “P|T”) have been busy with their flagship on-premise products. Here are their latest announcements:

  • All is forgiven?  Limited time offer of waiving true-up fees (formerly known as reinstatement fees) for inactive AMP firms wishing to reinstate their AMP
  • Latest pricing for Billing Matters
  • CORE vs. Subscription licensing options

Limited time offer of waiving true-up fees – People dislike having to pay extra for baggage fees when traveling.  The same can also apply for those users of Time Matters, Billing Matters and PCLaw who let their Annual Maintenance Plans (AMP) lapse but would like to reinstate them and enjoy the improved and enhanced benefits they bring.  From now until November 15, 2020 customers may purchase an AMP and not be charged “true-up”/reinstatement fees.  This offer must be made through your Certified Independent Consultant; we have to report it to PCLaw|Time Matters in order for a firm to be eligible.

Please Note:  In order to take advantage of this offer, firms have to agree to switch to the subscription version of their programs.  (See below for an explanation of CORE vs. Subscription.)  If a firm wishes to retain their permanent (CORE) license edition of their program, then they are not eligible for this offer.

Latest pricing for Billing Matters – Billing Matters is an add-on to Time Matters, bringing full-featured billing and accounts receivable functionality within the program.  The cost for this is included in the Time Matters subscription fee of $39.00 per person per month for new business, true-up fees and Annual Maintenance Plan renewals.

CORE vs. Subscription – We’ve received questions from our clients seeking clarification about the two “flavors” of both Time Matters and PCLaw.  Here are answers to the most common ones –

  • “CORE” refers to the permanent license editions of both Time Matters and PCLaw.  In other words, they are the traditional editions of what you’ve always used.  The licenses do not expire, whether you renew your Annual Maintenance plan or not
  • “Subscription” refers to licenses that need to be renewed annually in order to keep using your programs.  At the end of your subscription term, if you do not renew you licenses will expire and the data in your database becomes read-only
  • If you are a client that has consistently renewed your AMP and never let it lapse, your continued renewals will allow you to keep the CORE or permanent license editions of your program
  • If you are a client that did not renew your AMP and has let it lapse, you may renew it, but your program will be switched over to a subscription model.  (See also the previous section stating a limited time offer.)  The benefit of renewing your AMP is access to support and product updates/new versions. This ensures that you will always be on the latest version of your programs with their new features and fixes, and access to remote/mobile options for Time Matters and PCLaw

“Future Proofing Your Law Firm” – a PCLaw|Time Matters Virtual Summit – As part of PCLaw|Time Matters LLC’s continuing effort to support their customers during the COVID-19 pandemic, P|T is hosting a virtual summit on October 26-27.  This event will bring together legal professionals from different organizations around the world, to provide attendees with insights and best business practices to help future proof your law firm.  A list of speakers and topics can be found at

Release of new features.  Special offers.   Online sessions and virtual summits.  All of this is evidence of P|T’s ongoing commitment to provide support to their customers.  Please call us if you would like to take advantage of their latest special offer or learn more about these programs.  We can be reached at 877-357-0555 or write to us at [email protected] .

Related Articles: Review: Time Matters 16.5

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