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Crosspointe Blog
Client Portals: A New Hope
Last month I wrote about the sudden and unexpected demise of the client portal that Lexis had built into their Time Matters product by virtue of a...
Sage 50 2017 to be Released in Mid-July
Sage 50 2017 (and its companion 2017c) will appear in the "Check for Updates" window within the existing version of Sage 50, on or about Tuesday,...
Sage Timeslips FAQs: version 2017 vs Premium
Following our recent article on the upcoming new release of Timeslips, our clients have had many questions on what the future is likely to hold....
Adios Timeslips BDE, Hello Timeslips Firebird SQL
After well over 20 years using the venerable, but outdated, Borland Database Engine (BDE) as the database behind Timeslips, Sage Software is finally...
Throughout the years, I have had my clients jump through hoops to get draft bills that look like the actual bill. The problem is, when they run the...
MetaJure – Smart Document Management System
THE BENEFITS Last month we explained what MetaJure is and how it can help your law firm. If you missed that post, see it here. This time we are...
Sending Payment Receipts from Timeslips
Every so often, a new software feature slips into one of our favorite programs without a lot of fanfare, especially in a release when there a number...
Paying Sage 50 Vendor Invoices with a Credit Card
It is becoming pretty common practice to pay some, or all, of your routine vendor purchases via company credit card. This is certainly possible...
New Wine in Old Wineskins
We’ve received numerous calls from clients lately who are the recipients of new hardware at their office. Whether it is Windows Server 2016 or...
Intuit to Complete Sell-Off of Quicken by April 30
On February 10th, ComputerWorld announced that Intuit Corporation, the manufacturer of Quicken and QuickBooks, will sell the following products to...