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Crosspointe Blog
You Bought the Software, Now What?
Okay, you have selected your case management or billing/accounting software, it has been purchased, delivered, installed and it is up and running....
Greet the Holidays – with Timeslips Mail Merges
Happy Holidays! By now we’ve finished our Halloween treats and Thanksgiving feast, and are heading for the home stretch amidst the end-of-year...
Changing Rates in Your Billing System
It is the time of year when your firm may need to change the hourly rates for your partners, associates, and paralegals. What is the most efficient...
It’s The Most Wonderful Time of the Year…
Season’s Greetings! It’s almost December. There is a crispness in the air. Lights are everywhere. And Section 179 of the United StatesInternal...
And Now the News…
The annual LexisNexis Practice Management Conference may be over, but the news keeps coming! So this week we thought we’d bring you up to date: Time...
Tablets in the Cloud
If Moses were to recreate his famous descent from the cloud today, coming down from Mount Sinai with the Ten Commandments in hand, what would he be...
Solutions, Solutions… Which One is Best for My Firm?
As software consultants, we frequently talk to groups or individuals about the programs we support. Inevitably we are asked – “But which software...
Seek Correctly and Ye Shall Find
Search has become a very hot topic in today’s technology environment. Google, Bing, DogPile, WebCrawler, Yahoo – everybody touts their search...
Customize the PCLaw Toolbar
One of the things we hear from our PCLaw clients is that for one reason or another, the program doesn’t “do” what the user thinks it ought to do. ...
Clearing the Fog from the Clouds
In the September/October 2011issue of The Pennsylvania Lawyer, published by the Pennsylvania Bar Association, practicing attorney and technology...