877-375-2810 [email protected]

PCLaw is *the* go-to software program by LexisNexis for the time tracking, cost tracking, billing and general ledger accounting needs of law firms. Its strength is that it is matter (case) centric. Therefore, setting up a new case or matter the right way, the first time, is important.

In order to have a matter, there must first be a client. Many users don’t know that PCLaw can track prospective clients. Enter a prospective client as a Contact record – or, if the program is connected to Outlook, transfer Contact data from there. Users also have the option of running a conflict check on the new contact.


Once the prospective client has been added to the PCLaw Contact Manager, users have several options – recording notes, calls and appointments, to name a few:

PCLaw Contact Manager

Using the Contact Manager is also a useful way to work with vendors, particularly if a firm needs to track correspondence, make appointments or record other interactions. All contacts also have the option of having labels generated, or even having information exported to other programs.

Next time we’ll look at the next step in using PCLaw to turn prospective clients into clients with matters by using the Client Intake feature.
