News article

Resolutions for the New Year

We all know those old adages –

  •  “An apple a day keeps the doctor away.”
  • “See your dentist twice a year.”
  • “Change the oil in your car every 3,000 miles.”

There’s truth in these sayings: they and others like them keep us healthy and our lives running smoothly. But what about your software applications?   At Eastern Legal Systems, we don’t hear holiday bells but rather our phones ringing with questions from clients looking to  ending of the year in their business-critical applications in a consistent and orderly fashion.

How is your organization positioned to wrap up your year and make a clean start to 2015?

  •  What 2014 reports are you required to produce? For your organization? For your clients?
  •  Do you know the steps involved for year-end in your billing and/or accounting programs?
  • Have you planned billing rates or other pricing for 2015? Do you know how to determine rates in order to ensure a profitable operation? Do you know how to set up next year’s rates/fees in your program so they are ready for use in January?
  • Have you met with your accountant or financial advisor to plan your organization’s tax strategy?
  • Can you make any last-minute purchases against 2014 revenue to maximize your position?
  • How well is your network and hardware functioning?
  • Do your year-end plans include upgrades? Do they involve equipment – or a move to the “cloud”?How would new equipment – and possibly new operating systems — impact your existing programs and applications?
  • Is it time to upgrade your software? Or add licenses or other add-on features? Many software companies face their own end of the year, and offer sales and discounts to boost their revenues. Do you know about these hidden gems? (Hint: dealing directly with the software manufacturer does NOT always mean you’ll get the best price, or even a discount… )

Our consultants at Eastern Legal Systems support a variety of software products and can work with you to get the best pricing on upgrades and new software purchases. We can also work with you in the areas of implementation, customization and training so you can get the most out of the programs you own. Call us at 1-877-ELS-0555 or send an email to [email protected] for more information.

And in the meantime we wish you and yours a very Bright and Prosperous New Year!



Delivering comprehensive legal technology solutions.
With over 30 years of experience serving law firms of all sizes, Crosspointe possesses a deep understanding of the specialized law office technology niche, adapting to the evolving needs of legal practices and inviting you to explore the range of products we support for our clients.

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