News article

Restrict Slip Entry in Sage Timeslips by Date

by | Aug 10, 2016 | Timeslips

Sometimes you just have to enforce the rules and restrict slip entry, to prevent nasty surprises.

The Problem:  You ask your staff to submit their time so that you can generate bills in a timely manner.  Everyone says they’ve done it.  But after the bills are sent, you find slips with dates that should have been included.   Your timekeepers assume an innocent look and tell you it’s not their fault.  Your boss/supervisor is not happy with you.

We frequently hear of situations like this.  Fortunately, there is a solution.

The SolutionSage Timeslips Versions 2013 through 2017 address this problem with a feature that prevents users from entering slips prior to a specific date.  Here is how to set up this restriction.

  1. From the Setup menu, select the General command
  2. On the left side of the window, highlight Slips A/R and Funds

Restrict Date

  1. Check the box next to the option Do not allow saving slips with a date before:
  2. Enter the earliest allowable slip date
  3. Click OK to save your setting

Any user who tries to enter a slip from now on with a date prior to the one set under General Settings will receive a warning message and be asked if they want to continue.  By default they can answer in the affirmative and keep working.  However, if you really want that rule to “stick”, you will also need to go into security settings and uncheck the box Allow Slip Creation on Restricted Dates.

It is said that “knowledge is power”.  At Crosspointe Consulting Group, our staff can help you with questions about installation, setup and training to ensure you get the most from your programs.  You may contact us at 1-877-357-0555 or write to us at [email protected]

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