News article

Review: Timeslips Premium August 2021 Release – Audit Trails

by | Sep 1, 2021 | Time & Billing, Timeslips

On August 24, 2021, Sage Timeslips issued its third quarterly service release for Timeslips Premium.  This release includes several new features,  and fixes some issues.  Some of the new features in this release are worthy enough to be the subjects of further posts, so watch this space!

Today’s post will look at one of the new features: improvements to the Audit Trail

We are often asked by clients how to find out who changed a record or how to narrow down searches.  Up until now, that was not easy.  This service release –

  • Speeds up running the audit trail search
  • Adds new filters to narrow down searches
  • Gives additional views to find the information you need

In order to use this feature, it needs to be enabled through Security –

Note there are new fields for which you can track data within Client, Timekeeper, Task and Expense records.  Users may also specify how long data can be protected; that is, how many days an audit record may remain in the database before it can be eligible to be purged.

Once that is done, go to the Special menu > Audit Trails to open the Audit Trail dialog box –

  • Users may now determine what records they want to view by record type, date range or timekeeper
  • There is also an option to merge (or group) like records.  As an example, this illustration highlights Slip record #67.  If you want to look at everything that happened to that record, check the box to Merge Like Records
  • The results can be printed out to a report
  • There is also an option to Open that record to look at further details –
  • Right-clicking on the record result allows users to change the way the data is displayed –

The Audit Trail Report is still stored under reports, and that report remains the same.  But these new options in Timeslips Premium allow users to pinpoint their searches with more accuracy and print out the results.

This is the first of a series of articles about the new features in the latest service release for Timeslips Premium.  It reflects Sage Timeslips commitment to give their customers a software program that remains the gold standard for time tracking & billing.  Want to know more?  Contact us at 877-375-2810 or write to us at [email protected] .

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