Voice-activated artificial intelligence is perhaps the most significant user interface innovation in the world of computer usage since the introduction of the mouse. Star Trek is not as far off as we first thought.
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Software to let you open the door to clients securely
Clients want to be able to access their documents and understand the next steps on their matters. The challenge, given the news about hacking, is...
Connecting the Clouds
Over the past two years the pace of adoption for Cloud-based computing services has significantly increased. Especially for the small law firm and...
Products to Put Under your Tree
TechnoLawyer's popular TL NewsWire recently published their "Top 25 Products of 2013". Click here to review their list of the 25 top products for...
Getting Ready for the New Season
Spring is upon us, and the news is full of spring training and “season-opening” news for major league baseball teams. Professional baseball players...