News article

A “Spring Cleaning” for Time Matters?


PCLaw Time MattersRecently our team of Time Matters consultants received a message from the manufacturer, alerting us to their latest developments. We want to share these developments with our readers.

The latest version of Time Matters is Version 2021 R1.  We were told Version 2022 is scheduled to be released in the second quarter of 2022, but no specific date has been given.  As always, we recommend not being the first to upgrade but wait for at least a month.  We will report any issues that arise from a new release.  In the meantime, however, we DO recommend that our clients upgrade to Version 2021 R1.

There are good reasons for our recommendation – in addition to the usual list of “fixes”, this version adds integration with quality services to support a practice:

  • An improved link with the online service LawConnect – This link allows not only a secure, document sharing portal but also allows users to schedule several types of meetings based on available times in their Time Matters Calendar and send automatic appointment confirmations and reminders to clients.
  • Improved integration with the online service LawToolBox – When Time Matters is linked to a paid subscription for LawToolBox, the link is designed to help ensure deadlines are never missed.   The improved integration allows users to update or enter a new court date, and automatically generate case dates and deadlines based on rules of procedure.
  • Compatibility and enhancements to new versions of –
    • Adobe Acrobat Pro 2020,
    • QuickBooks Desktop 2021
    • Juris 3.1
    • Timeslips Premium
    • The latest versions of Microsoft Office 365; and
    • Microsoft Exchange

End of Life Policy – In order to encourage users to upgrade, support will end for the following versions:

  • Time Matters/Billing Matters 16.0-16.3                   June 30, 2022
  • Time Matters/Billing Matters 16.4-16.6                   December 31, 2022

Any version earlier than Time Matters/Billing Matters 16 is not supported.   This means no support for Time Matters Go, third-party links & integrations and no access to technical support.

AMP Renewals — Improvements to software do not come without cost and the manufacturer, PCLaw|Time Matters LLC, announced price increases to their Annual Maintenance Plan (AMP) customers.  Customers will receive notification sixty days before their subscription renewal date, but we want to alert our clients now that the cost will be increased to $89.00 per user per month.

Reinstatement Pricing – Those customers who chose in the past not to renew their AMP subscription but who now want to do so have a choice –

  • Reinstate their subscription at the regular subscription rate of $89.00 per user per month.  This will grant those users subscription licenses, which will need to be renewed annually in the future to ensure the database does not revert to a Read Only status
  • Reinstate their older versions that have perpetual licenses and who want to keep them that way at $89.00 per user per month PLUS a “reinstatement fee”.  Clients who wish to take advantage of this offer may contact us or their account managers for reinstatement pricing.

There is also a campaign by the manufacturer to encourage Time Matters users to switch to another one of their offerings: a cloud-based practice management application called LEAP.  We’ve written posts about this application, and you can find them in our blog post library.  Be advised that the manufacturer states this application is not recommended for sites of 50 users or more.

Our team at Crosspointe Consulting Group is committed to keep our clients up to date regarding the software products and applications we support.  We are not “wedded” to any one program but want our clients to have the best solutions to meet their needs.  Please contact us if you have any questions, need assistance, or want to talk about other solutions.  Call us at 877-375-2810 or write to us at [email protected].

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Announcing Time Matters 2021


    PCLaw Time MattersRecently our team of Time Matters consultants received a message from the manufacturer, alerting us to their latest developments. We want to share these developments with our readers.

    The latest version of Time Matters is Version 2021 R1.  We were told Version 2022 is scheduled to be released in the second quarter of 2022, but no specific date has been given.  As always, we recommend not being the first to upgrade but wait for at least a month.  We will report any issues that arise from a new release.  In the meantime, however, we DO recommend that our clients upgrade to Version 2021 R1.


    There are good reasons for our recommendation—in addition to the usual list of “fixes”, this version adds integration with quality services to support a practice:


    • An improved link with the online service LawConnect—This link allows not only a secure, document sharing portal but also allows users to schedule several types of meetings based on available times in their Time Matters Calendar and send automatic appointment confirmations and reminders to clients.


    • Improved integration with the online service LawToolBox—When Time Matters is linked to a paid subscription for LawToolBox, the link is designed to help ensure deadlines are never missed. The improved integration allows users to update or enter a new court date, and automatically generate case dates and deadlines based on rules of procedure.


    • Compatibility and enhancements to new versions of—
    • Adobe Acrobat Pro 2020,
    • QuickBooks Desktop 2021
    • Juris 3.1
    • Timeslips Premium
    • The latest versions of Microsoft Office 365; and
    • Microsoft Exchange


    End of Life Policy—In order to encourage users to upgrade, support will end for the following versions:


    • Time Matters/Billing Matters 16.0-16.3                   June 30, 2022
    • Time Matters/Billing Matters 16.4-16.6                   December 31, 2022


    Any version EARLIER than Time Matters/Billing Matters 16 is not supported. This means no support for Time Matters Go, third-party links & integrations and no access to technical support.


    AMP Renewals—Improvements to software do not come without cost and the manufacturer, PCLaw|Time Matters® LLC, announced price increases to their Annual Maintenance Plan (AMP) customers.  Customers will receive notification sixty (60) days before their subscription renewal date, but we want to alert our clients now that the cost will be increased to $89.00 per user per month.


    Reinstatement Pricing—Those customers who chose in the past NOT to renew their AMP subscription but who now want to do so, have a choice:


    • Reinstate their subscription at the regular subscription rate of $89.00 per user per month.This will grant those users subscription licenses, which will need to be renewed annually in the future to ensure the database does not revert to a Read Only status
    • Reinstate their older versions that have perpetual licenses and who want to keep them that way at $89.00 per user per month PLUS a “reinstatement fee

    Clients who wish to take advantage of this offer may contact us or their account managers for reinstatement pricing—


    There is also a campaign by the manufacturer to encourage Time Matters users to switch to another one of their offerings: a cloud-based practice management application called LEAP.  We’ve written posts about this application, and you can find them in our blog post library. Be advised that the manufacturer states this application is NOT recommended for sites of 50 users or more.

    Our team at Crosspointe Consulting Group is committed to keeping our clients up to date regarding the software products and applications we support. We are not “wedded” to any one program but want our clients to have the best solutions to meet their needs. Please contact us if you have any questions, need assistance, or want to talk about other solutions, call us at 877-375-2810  or write to us at [email protected].


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    Delivering comprehensive legal technology solutions.
    With over 30 years of experience serving law firms of all sizes, Crosspointe possesses a deep understanding of the specialized law office technology niche, adapting to the evolving needs of legal practices and inviting you to explore the range of products we support for our clients.

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