News article

Tracking Statuses of Accounts Receivable in Timeslips

by | Apr 18, 2012 | Timeslips

A client sent this request in to us this week: “We read your article on keeping up with Accounts Receivableand we do that here at our firm. But it’s all on paper – how can we use Timeslips to monitor who we’ve contacted about our account and what they’ve promised?”

Here is where one of Timeslips’ powerful features can come into play – Custom Client Fields. Beginning with Timeslips Version 2011, the maximum number of custom fields you can add to client records jumped from 30 to 90. And there are more field types as well.

To answer this client’s question, let’s begin by adding a Custom Client Field. To do this, go to the Setup menu, and select Custom Fields…










1. Click on the New button to create a new field. The type of field will be List

 2. Let’s call the field A/R Tracking

clip_image0063. Within this window, click on the New button to set up choices for this drop-down list. Some sample choices may be:

a. First Call to Customer

b. Second Call to Customer

c. Customer Promised Payment

d. Forwarded Account to Collections

4. Click OK to save your list and close the List Type Custom Field Attributes window

5. Click OK to save your new field and close the Custom Fields window


Now you have the ability to go in to a client’s record and track and update the status of the client’s account. You may also set up a user-defined client report listing your clients, and their statuses.

The consultants at Eastern Legal Systems are here to help clients find solutions for their administrative issues, and to insure they get the most from their software applications. What we suggest here can also be done in the other billing and practice management programs we support – Amicus Attorney, Billing Matters, PCLaw, and Time Matters. Do you have a “challenge”? Call us at 1-877-ELS-0555 for assistance.

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With over 30 years of experience serving law firms of all sizes, Crosspointe possesses a deep understanding of the specialized law office technology niche, adapting to the evolving needs of legal practices and inviting you to explore the range of products we support for our clients.

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