News article

What’s New With Timeslips

by | May 30, 2017 | General Technology, Timeslips

After a two-year hiatus, Timeslips consultants welcomed the opportunity to meet with management at a Timeslips Conference in Atlanta, Georgia on May 15th & 16th.  During those two days, participants learned what we have with the present product and what we can expect in future releases.

Sage Timeslips will continue to be offered in two “editions”:  Timeslips Premium and
Timeslips 2017Timeslips Premium is a subscription-based product that includes all new releases (updates and new versions), Sage technical support, and some features not available in the Perpetual Edition.  Timeslips 2017 is the traditional software license application which represents a one-time product purchase. The purchaser then owns the license “in perpetuity.” New versions can be purchased at upgrade pricing upon their release, or at “new user” pricing if the existing license being upgraded is more than two versions old.  Offering these two versions follows the model offered by Microsoft in offering Office 365 and Office 2016 – both are software products that need to be installed on computers, but one is a subscription version with additional features not found in the traditional, “perpetual” licensed version.

Beginning June 1st, Sage Software will direct their sales team to emphasize offering Timeslips Premium to customers, with Timeslips 2017 (the “perpetual” edition) on “an exception basis only”.  Certified Consultants, on the other hand, can and will continue to offer either edition to customers.  We’ve written about the differences between these two editions before[1] and would be happy to work with clients to help them determine which edition is best for them – no “exceptions”.

Beginning August 1st with the release of Timeslips 2018, there will be a change in Sage Software’s Obsolescence Policy:  “Supported Versions” will be defined as the current version and one version back.  This is a change from what has been defined as the current version and two versions back.  Therefore, customers who want support directly from Timeslips, add-ons and additional licenses, and access to E-Center will now have to either use the Premium version or upgrade every two years.  The Timeslips Certified Consultants at Crosspointe Consulting Group will continue their policy of providing support for any and all versions of Timeslips, subject to the manufacturer’s terms and policies.

In addition to utilities we’ve received through the years to repair and support older versions of Timeslips, we were shown new utilities to support our clients on the new version of Timeslips with its new Firebird SQL database.  We look forward to receiving them soon.

iSlipsFinally, it was with pleasure that we were introduced to a new version of iSlips, the mobile app developed by the former head of the Timeslips development team.   Made for both iOS and Android, this is a slick and a worthy alternative to E-Center.  Its latest feature, to be announced soon, is a cloud-based subscription with real-time synching of time and expense entries between mobile devices and the customer’s Timeslips database.  Click on the hyperlink or go to for more details.

Conference participants said it was the best and most productive conference they’ve experienced in years and we are encouraged to learn what management at Sage Software has planned for future releases.  Timeslips remains the “gold standard” in time tracking and billing and we look forward to many more years of supporting a product that continues to grow and evolve in delivering this functionality to their customers and our clients.

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Want to learn more about what you’ve read here?  We have seven Timeslips Certified Consultants in our offices who would be happy to answer your questions.  Please call us at 877-357-0555 or write to [email protected].  We’re here to help.



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