Disaster Preparation: Are You Ready?

Hurricanes.  Floods.  Wildfires.  Recent headlines of natural disasters overwhelm us.  Unfortunately, some of our clients have been affected by these.  One client of ours called it “a one-two punch:  Irma ripped off the roof [of their office suite] and Maria flooded...

What’s New With Timeslips

After a two-year hiatus, Timeslips consultants welcomed the opportunity to meet with management at a Timeslips Conference in Atlanta, Georgia on May 15th & 16th.  During those two days, participants learned what we have with the present product and what we can...

Review: ndSync for NetDocuments

Document management systems are great – they keep us organized and help us quickly and efficiently locate documents.  But in order to work, users have to follow the rules.  And there is always that one person who can’t quite seem to manage it. You know them: they are...