Second in a series of articles by Dana Riel and David Michael (3-minute read) Holding funds in trust for your clients is one of the most sensitive...
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Business of Law: Having the Last Word
Here’s a question: What is the most frequent type of complaint filed against lawyers? Mishandling trust funds. Lack of communication. Fee disputes....
Artificial Intelligence has a Dark Underbelly
We have been down this road before, with the proliferation of clothing plants and electronic assembly factories sprouting up in countries where...
Now is the Time: It’s Time to Decide
Last month I wrote an article listing the reasons why now is the time to determine if new programs or solutions are needed for your firm as we look...
A Hidden Gem in Microsoft Bookings
If you run a firm or other business, managing appointments and scheduling can be time-consuming and challenging. However, did you know that if you...
Paying Attention to Cybersecurity
Current technology makes it easier than ever to have access to all of your important information, no matter where you are or what devices you use....
Taking Care of Business
If you or a family member wanted to learn how to drive a vehicle, would you do so only by watching YouTube videos? Don’t get me wrong; they have...
Getting Ready for the New Year
Happy New Year! Well, at the time of this writing, perhaps not quite yet. But 2022 is quickly approaching and now is the time to prepare for it. ...
What I Learned From the Pandemic
6 lessons for professional service firms to contemplate in a post-pandemic worldThe Covid-19 Pandemic – in which we are still mired - has laid bare...
Are You Managing Your IT Services?
Are you managing your IT services, or contracting with a reliable IT support organization that offers this? If you are not paying attention to this...
Cloud Computing During the Pandemic
Cloud-based, Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) computing has become more widely accepted by many law firms over the past two years. That recognition has...
Beyond Financial Consequences – Protecting the Reputation of your Firm
Everything you’ve ever heard about how much money is lost due to information security breaches is only part of your exposure. When word gets out...
9 Things to Do Before Business Picks Back Up
This is a post written by our IT friends at Spidernet Technical Consulting. We encourage you to review these points carefully, and give us a call if...
Cybersecurity Tips
Like many professionals around the world, our Crosspointe consultants have been working remotely due to COVID-19. For this post we have a guest...
Working from Home
As our world turns upside down with the Coronavirus pandemic, the phrase “working from home” has been appearing much more frequently in the messages sent from information workers. As the weeks of “social distancing” drag on in response to the pandemic, businesses will need to start re-thinking the whole concept of worker productivity, and the location where work can be most efficiently performed.
How You Can Prepare to Work Remotely
As many of us prepare to work remotely in light of the pandemic, a Chinese saying comes to mind: “May you live in interesting times.” Certainly the impact of the novel Coronavirus has made our times quite interesting.
It’s the Most Wonderful Time of the Year
It’s hard to believe that we are coming up on the end of 2019. The holiday season awaits. But with the impetus...
Working Smarter; Not Harder
We’ve all heard the phrase, “Work smarter; not harder”. However, this is often easier said than done. Despite the vision of a paperless office, the...
Countdown to Microsoft’s End of Free Support for Windows 7
Mark your calendars and circle the date in red: On January 14, 2020, Microsoft will no longer provide free updates and support for their Windows 7...
Moving to the Cloud
Talk of “moving to the Cloud” has permeated legal technology discussions for the past few years. Proponents and opponents of Cloud computing give...
ProCirrus – Another Cloud Rolls In For Law Firms
We have recently been introduced to a new - for Crosspointe anyway - Cloud-based hosting service. ProCirrus, based in Minnesota, joins the ranks of...
What is Blockchain?
You might wonder why a blog focused on law office technology would be writing about blockchain. Read on here to discover why we think it is...
SPECIAL REPORT: Microsoft Announces No More Windows Patches Will Be Issued if Your AV Clashes With Their Meltdown Fix
On January 10 Microsoft Corporation announced it will not allow downloads of future Windows security updates until your antivirus vendor sets a...
The Short List of Net Neutrality—Why Should the Average User Care?
Net Neutrality is not a law but a standard belief that prohibits internet service providers from slowing down, speeding up or blocking websites or...
In 2012, the American Bar Association formally approved a change to the Model Rules of Professional Conduct to make it clear that lawyers have a...
Moving to the Cloud? Make Sure It’s the Right One
Recently, LexisNexis announced the selection of an “authorized hosting provider” for their Time Matters and PCLaw software applications. This...
Disaster Preparation: Are You Ready?
Hurricanes. Floods. Wildfires. Recent headlines of natural disasters overwhelm us. Unfortunately, some of our clients have been affected by...
Can Your Email Habits Get You Into Trouble?
Over the past couple of decades, email has become so commonplace that it is the automatic “go-to” for public and private sector communications. But...
What’s New With Timeslips
After a two-year hiatus, Timeslips consultants welcomed the opportunity to meet with management at a Timeslips Conference in Atlanta, Georgia on May...
ABA Ethics Opinion 99-413 Has Been Updated
You need to know this stuff! ABA Ethics Opinion 99-413 was issued in 1999. We are now in 2017 and the rules have changed. In general, the new...