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Crosspointe Blog
Use A Slip Trigger in Timeslips To Capture Your Billable Costs
When creating a time entry slip, a related task - or related expense - might frequently happen together with that time entry. For example, if you...
Sage Timeslips 2018 Edition – The Highlights
This month Sage will release the latest edition of its popular Timeslips time and billing application, Timeslips 2018. Heading into its second year...
Timeslips to TimeSolv-The Right Move for You?
Timeslips is an excellent billing application that is used by hundreds of our clients, and has been popular in law offices for many years. Some...
Launching a Process Change Project: Part 2
In last week’s post we discussed the importance of carefully reviewing the firm’s current processes and workflow before abandoning a software...
Launching a Process Change Project: Part 1
Clients often reach out to Crosspointe because they want to replace their billing, practice management, accounting, or document management...
Sage Announces Changes to Timeslips Obsolescence Policy
In recent years, Sage has been actively supporting the current perpetual-license version of Timeslips, along with the two most recent...
What’s New With Timeslips
After a two-year hiatus, Timeslips consultants welcomed the opportunity to meet with management at a Timeslips Conference in Atlanta, Georgia on May...
ABA Ethics Opinion 99-413 Has Been Updated
You need to know this stuff! ABA Ethics Opinion 99-413 was issued in 1999. We are now in 2017 and the rules have changed. In general, the new...
Optical Character Recognition Helps Find Hidden Data in Your Documents
For most law firms, files and documents are at the center of all work the firm performs. You are wasting valuable time on a daily basis if you can't...
Getting New (and Existing) Employees Off on the Right Foot
Recently an article posted by ADP contained eight suggestions for getting new employees acclimated into a firm’s culture. Item #6 promoted the...