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Crosspointe Blog
Beyond Financial Consequences – Protecting the Reputation of your Firm
Everything you’ve ever heard about how much money is lost due to information security breaches is only part of your exposure. When word gets out...
9 Things to Do Before Business Picks Back Up
This is a post written by our IT friends at Spidernet Technical Consulting. We encourage you to review these points carefully, and give us a call if...
Keeping in Touch with Clients–Securely
Over the past two weeks as our clients have shifted operations to working remotely, the one concern we’ve heard the most from them is how to keep in...
Remote Entry Options in Timeslips
In this time of pandemics, many of our clients have been asking us about remote entry options for recording their time in Timeslips. If you don’t...
Cybersecurity Tips
Like many professionals around the world, our Crosspointe consultants have been working remotely due to COVID-19. For this post we have a guest...
What’s New in Timeslips Premium – Undo Multiple Bills
On March 24, the manufacturers of Timeslips Premium will issue a new service release for their customers. This service release is for Timeslips...
Working from Home
As our world turns upside down with the Coronavirus pandemic, the phrase “working from home” has been appearing much more frequently in the messages sent from information workers. As the weeks of “social distancing” drag on in response to the pandemic, businesses will need to start re-thinking the whole concept of worker productivity, and the location where work can be most efficiently performed.
How You Can Prepare to Work Remotely
As many of us prepare to work remotely in light of the pandemic, a Chinese saying comes to mind: “May you live in interesting times.” Certainly the impact of the novel Coronavirus has made our times quite interesting.
Report from ABA TECHSHOW 2020
The ABA TechShow 2020 conference is the venue where lawyers, legal professionals, consultants and technology come together.This year ranks as one of...
Using Lookup Files in Time Matters
Recently we assisted a client of ours in designing custom screens for Contacts in their Time Matters program. Our client was struggling because they...