(3 minute read) Last week we received an interesting question from one of our clients whose firm just transitioned from Worldox to NetDocuments. ...
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Planning for 2024: Now is the Time
As I write this, it is August and we are all baking in these sun-drenched days. Many of our clients are on vacation. It’s a great time to hit the...
Watch This Space: NetDocuments’ New PLAN
Crosspointe Consulting Group is proud to announce the latest press release from NetDocuments -- Salt Lake City, UT – August 24, 2020 – ...
It’s the Most Wonderful Time of the Year
It’s hard to believe that we are coming up on the end of 2019. The holiday season awaits. But with the impetus...
Introducing NetDocuments SetBuilder
You have to organize and pull together several documents into one large one. Perhaps you work in a law firm and have to put together an estate...
Can you find that critical document?
You do your best to use technology to run your practice. Your documents are digitized and neatly arranged by client and matter or in some other...
Centerbase and NetDocuments – a Winning Combination
We often hear from clients who want to switch to cloud-based applications but hesitate because of cost. Let’s face it – by the time you choose your...
Happy 30th, Worldox!
This year, World Software Corporation is celebrating the 30th anniversary of the launch of its flagship program, Worldox. They have many positive...
CosmoLex Announces a New Release—5.0
Our team has been pleased to support CosmoLex, a leading provider of cloud-based legal practice management software for a few years now. And our...
When a Document Management System is more than a DMS
Once seen as largely the province of “BigLaw”, Document Management Systems (often referred to as DMS’s) have become much more common in firms of all...
Attention Time Matters Users: WatchDox Service to be Discontinued after March 31, 2016
Late yesterday afternoon we were notified by LexisNexis that the service used by Time Matters for their client portal will be discontinued after...
Unlock your NetDocuments Search Potential
These days, it’s hard to find a business of any kind that doesn’t use PDF documents in one aspect or another. They are a versatile, secure and...
Sage Timeslips – Storing Bills in Client Folders
Recently Jack Schaller published an article here on our blog on how to store invoices organized by client in a document management program. It’s a...
Worldox™ Announces Document Encryption in 2016
There are two types of law firms: those that know they have been hacked and those that do not. In 2012, the FBI informed a New York law firm that...
Storing Client Invoices in the Cloud
Many modern billing and accounting software applications offer the ability to generate PDF versions of their invoices, and send those PDF’s directly...
NetDocuments and Microsoft—A Powerful Alliance
Last week at the ILTA Conference in Las Vegas, NetDocuments scored a coup by announcing a new partnership with Microsoft that moves this...
LegalAnywhere: An Intelligent Client Portal
Client Portals are web-based storage repositories for sharing documents with clients in a secure environment. Somewhat ubiquitous in large law...
Save Time & Increase Productivity by Finding Documents with Symphony OCR
Have you ever found yourself searching and searching for a PDF document but with no luck of finding it OR spending 30 minutes of wasted time? To...
Raising Security Awareness In Your Firm
It’s all too common lately to read or hear about cybersecurity breaches in organizations. And the causes of most data breaches aren’t complicated....
Report from the 2014 ABA TechShow
I have now returned from the ABA TechShow in Chicago, have waded through the avalanche of papers that were distributed at the show (well, mostly...
Live from Chicago… It’s ABATECH!
This week the ABA is sponsoring their annual legal technology conference in Chicago. Billed as “the place where lawyers, legal professionals and...
Test Drive: Time Matters 13 & WatchDox – the New Client Portal?
One of the major features of Time Matters Version 13 is its new collaboration with WatchDox – a cloud-based file sharing service with advanced...
Stratifying the Storage Clouds-Worldox GX3
This week's post in our series on Cloud-based document management systems was contributed by my colleague Andrea Prigot, a partner at Eastern Legal...
Stratifying the Storage Clouds-NetDocuments
This article won the BlawgWorld Pick of the Week award. BlawgWorld is a free weekly email newsletter that links to the best articles on the web for...
Stratifying the Storage Clouds-Sharefile
ShareFile was initially created as a stand-alone file transfer application, designed specifically for secure transmission of files between users...
Stratifying the Storage Clouds-Box
Continuing our review of Cloud-based document storage services, this week I review Box, again with these six variables in mind: Security Disaster...
Stratifying the Storage Clouds–Dropbox
In last week’s post I laid out a conceptual framework for evaluating the various Cloud-based document storage options commonly in use in law...
Stratifying Document Storage Clouds: An Introduction
According to the Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary, the term “stratify” means: “to divide into a series of graded statuses.” That is my intention...
Speed, Mobility and Protection
I am a dyed-in-the-green-wool Philadelphia Eagles fan, so of course I have been anxiously following the unfolding story of Chip Kelly, the new...
A Hidden Gem in Time Matters?
The attorney was interested in saving emails in Time Matters but her face fell when I showed how it was done. “We are careful to save our emails as...