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Crosspointe Blog
Sage 50 2020 to be released in July 2019
We have received the following advance announcement from Sage Software regarding the release of the 2020 edition of Sage 50. This is the first notice we have received that there is in fact a 2020 edition in the works, and that it will be made available in July of 2019. The title of the announcement […]
2020 Vision
If it’s spring, then it must be time for a new Sage Timeslips release. Sure enough, version 2020 arrived earlier this month. In addition to a number...
Timeslips 2020 Premium or Perpetual?
Sage will announce the release of Timeslips 2020 by the end of April. While we do not yet know the ultimate fate of the Timeslips “Perpetual...
Working Smarter; Not Harder
We’ve all heard the phrase, “Work smarter; not harder”. However, this is often easier said than done. Despite the vision of a paperless office, the...
Lexis releases Time Matters 16.4
Earlier this month Lexis released Time Matters 16.4 as an upgrade to their existing Version 16 practice management software. Time Matters customers...
Centerbase Announces New Features in Their February Update
In what may be a Valentine’s Day gift to their customers, the enterprise-grade, cloud-based practice management application Centerbase released its...
Countdown to Microsoft’s End of Free Support for Windows 7
Mark your calendars and circle the date in red: On January 14, 2020, Microsoft will no longer provide free updates and support for their Windows 7...
Worldox Document Management Transitions to the Web with Worldox Web Mobile 3.0
At the past week's busy LegalWeek exhibition and conference in New York City, the World Software team showed off Worldox Web Mobile 3.0. This...
Partly Cloudy or totally Immersed?
Are your law office software systems partly Cloudy or totally immersed in the Cloud? Or are you still completely grounded with on-premises software?...
QuickBooks Desktop vs QuickBooks Online: How Are They Different?
We’ve all seen the commercial – veterinarian visits sites, looks at animals, sends bill from her phone … and by the time she climbs into her truck –...