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Crosspointe Blog
Centerbase Announces New Features in Their February Update
In what may be a Valentine’s Day gift to their customers, the enterprise-grade, cloud-based practice management application Centerbase released its...
Countdown to Microsoft’s End of Free Support for Windows 7
Mark your calendars and circle the date in red: On January 14, 2020, Microsoft will no longer provide free updates and support for their Windows 7...
Worldox Document Management Transitions to the Web with Worldox Web Mobile 3.0
At the past week's busy LegalWeek exhibition and conference in New York City, the World Software team showed off Worldox Web Mobile 3.0. This...
Partly Cloudy or totally Immersed?
Are your law office software systems partly Cloudy or totally immersed in the Cloud? Or are you still completely grounded with on-premises software?...
QuickBooks Desktop vs QuickBooks Online: How Are They Different?
We’ve all seen the commercial – veterinarian visits sites, looks at animals, sends bill from her phone … and by the time she climbs into her truck –...
Can you find that critical document?
You do your best to use technology to run your practice. Your documents are digitized and neatly arranged by client and matter or in some other...
Closing the Year in Accounting: Some items to consider
Many of our clients generate their tax and financial reports on a calendar year basis. With that in mind, here are some year-end accounting items...
Using Bill Reminders in Sage Timeslips
Wouldn’t it be convenient if all of our clients let us bill them at the same time!? Unfortunately, due to contractual arrangements, the type of work...
Guide to Closing Out the Year
I recently published a guide for Smokeball Practice Management software, titled “Small Law Firm Guide to Closing Out the Year". This publication is...
Announcement: *NEW* Reports Added to Centerbase
The manufacturers of Centerbase, an enterprise-grade, cloud-based, practice management application, are pleased to announce the addition of several...